Winnie is the quintessential example of Looks Can Be Deceiving. Up close, that face says “I have been through some serious s**t,” but she’s very gentle and shy and skittish if you make the wrong move. I am always drawn to these kitties.
Winnie is the quintessential example of Looks Can Be Deceiving. Up close, that face says “I have been through some serious s**t,” but she’s very gentle and shy and skittish if you make the wrong move. I am always drawn to these kitties.
I’m so glad Elementary ended with TV’s greatest platonic life partners getting ready to head into another case together.
That’s Dash, the Master of Silliness and Impish Behaviors.
So my sister and brother-in-law’s dog, Theo, is here visiting for the weekend while they go to a wedding out of town. My ex and I (who have developed a decent friendship) took him for a very long walk and to a restaurant that is super dog friendly. He was SUCH a good boy, and is now EXHAUSTED (as am I!). Here is a…
Hi Jezzies, I had a lovely gift this week. About 3 weeks ago on twitter Good Reads had a subject called name a book that’s helped you through a difficult time. I tweeted that when I was in the homeless hostel I used to escape to the library to reread all of John Connollys Charlie Parker series. I received a tweet off…
Once upon a time around 2012, I worked in a sleazy rental real estate office in New York City, surrounded by dudebros in shiny suits and square toed oxfords who spent half the day posting bait and switch ads for no fee apartments on craigslist and the other half loudly trading bullshit stories about seducing the…
Not sure if this qualifies as ‘in an ex’s house’, but it was on his body, so I’m going to go with it. Towards the end of our marriage my ex husband got a tattoo on his right pec of his dead grandmother. In the tat, his grandmother looked like she had a stroke. She did not. That lopsided tat didn’t do a THING for me,…
Semana could race with the men, but her time of 1:54.25 isn’t competitive with their times in the low 1:40's.
Last week a kitten appeared in our yard. Not a rare occurrence, unfortunately - we live near the outskirts of town, and people with unwanted cats often dump them in the fields near our home so they can either a)get found by us or b)fend for themselves against the coyotes. We feed whoever shows up, and have taken in a…
For me, it’s the pitch perfect closure of both Justified—a flawless run of episodes—and Friday Night Lights--the perfect emotional catharsis for an already reliably heartfelt show.
If you took your cat to a football field and then put one piece of paper that you actually care about on that field, the cat will puke on that paper 100 times out of 100.
Same. We freaking see you from the booth, and my house staff will come at you. But when we have shows with nudity, I will come at you myself, and probably do it on com for the rest of the crew to hear.
I work in theatre, so I get the issue from multiple sides. Shit like this makes me want to fucking confiscate phones from people upon arrival. It’s bad enough a phone ringing mid-performance. THIS is horrible. Fucking people.