most dizzyingly atrocious musicals of all time
most dizzyingly atrocious musicals of all time
the design and costumes actually look pretty good, the cgi face fur needs some work,you can instantly tell that the fur is both floating against the motion of the face and reacting in a manner contrary to physics.
As a European, 1914-17 and 1939-41 have taught us that Americans need a while to catch on…
I agree, that expression spoke volumes.
Collette, babies, Krispy and everyone please help me welcome the newest addition to my household
Shelter Cat Update!
I know what some of you are thinking. “Who cares, it’s just a pet.”
The really sad thing is that by definition, the people who do gender reveals are passing on their genes.
I think my answer is just More Girls. I distinctly remember “playing” Thundercats and being stuck with Wiley Kit because Cheetara was already taken. And even as a kid, I knew Wiley Kit was lame. We had She-Ra and Jem and stuff and I liked them, but just having more women characters that were not in strictly “girl”…
Shelter Cat Update!
You don’t call a catholic who eats on Lent a “moderate Catholic” and you certainly don’t call a Jew who eats bacon a “moderate Jew”.
Wish I Could Do That Bruce seems more affronted by than jealous of the other cat.
Shelter Cat Update!
Ted Cruz is from Calgary. Change that immediately please. We’ll take Joni, even though she’s not from Edmonton, either. But please, change that bit about Cruz. Calgary. He’s from Calgary. NOT Edmonton.
Rightfully so, the only sane people in the province
[Whispering quietly, in the corner]: i still like the name Boaty McBoatface
it’s 2019, and unless you’re Amish, nudes are the currency of love
Beautiful babies. And Harvard is adorable. He doesn’t need to be smart, but, well, there are a lot of geniuses with diddly-squat social skills.
That article on jezebel this week about the NYT article discussing how men in heterosexual relationships don’t carry their fair share of house work really hit home for me.