America’s penal system: so appalling is makes convicted criminals sympathetic by comparison.
America’s penal system: so appalling is makes convicted criminals sympathetic by comparison.
Dear Media:
Also, the idea that one’s library has that much to say about you really tends to apply to those with a one-shelf library. True bibliophiles (or, you know, flat-out book-hoarders, which I won’t deny kind of being), will have stuff they’ve well outgrown, to-read sections that they’re ages from getting through, and full…
This is what happens when no one tells you no. When you’re clearly ill or delusional, but you’re the money man so all you get are “Wow Mr. Ye, you’re a genius.” “Gee, Mr. Yeezy, that last album sure was fire!”
No one is going to tell him that this is straight up fucking nonsense.
It’s time for Savage Nobody! Special thanks to everyone who wished me happy birthday last week. Thought I should tell you guys about it. It was a pretty normal birthday. One day you’re one age, the next day you’re one year older, and then because that means a year somehow passed in twenty-four hours, a rift in…
It’s not going to happen. After visiting, one of you ruined it by telling your non-Toronto relatives that you liked Toronto. What next, wear a Leafs jersey? Come on! You’ll never be Canadian if you don’t cut that shit oat!
I was surprised to learn that when I had my uterus removed, I also lost my XX chromosomes.
I will hunt a mother fucker down if they even think of messing with this guy! As a child of color I grew up in shit neighborhood with a shit school system that was just passing me on through the grades. I was in the 3rd grade and I could not read. His show, was the one thing that made me want to learn to read.
Waiting for that cat licking the plate to knock the next domino over is as tense as a Hitchcockian thriller.
UK, Australia and the United States have all elected dumbass right-wing populists over the past decade.
The “substance” of the entire Bernie campaign is that old white man writing checks he damn well knows his ass can’t cash.
So my brother bought my kid legos at Christmas and after a couple months me of avoiding this fact by hiding them, my kid found and opened one of the boxes this morning. Now we’re all footsore.
Speaking of making biscuits, this guy was making biscuits and love eyes after getting put into a cat carrier and being rescued. That never happens. He was just so glad to be rescued, I guess
I mean, the gold standard for this is Every Breath You Take, is it not? Creepy as heck. Brilliant song.