But hate-mongering holy rollers weren’t thrilled that the loud and proud LGBTQ+ activist will be making his debut on the show.
But hate-mongering holy rollers weren’t thrilled that the loud and proud LGBTQ+ activist will be making his debut on the show.
Hemingway. The only book of his I was able to finish was The Old Man and the Sea.
So ... she’s a cat
Shit, I’m mentally ill. I don’t scam chumps and align with Nazis and cape for fame and wealth monsters.
Kids are a yes or no deal, and there really is no half-way point here. You either have them or don’t, and if partners are split in this issue, either the relationship is over, or someone is going to be pushed out of their dream.
Children need to be a dealbreaker for relationships. Ideally, this is a topic you talk about when things start getting serious because you don’t want to be with someone for years only to find out their opinion on the matter is the total opposite of yours. I agree with Harris that you can’t just try out kids on a…
The Olympic games have to be some of the most politically charged sporting events in the world. Countries literally compete for who will spend the most tax dollars displacing poor people for a giant eyesore stadium that will most likely not be used for shit, decades after the games.
I never liked the band’s music, but you had to respect the hell out of their ability as musicians, and Peart especially. RIP.
It’s really very simple. Don’t be an asshole. Don’t be an asshole to fat people, don’t be an asshole to alcoholics, or drug addicts, or the homeless, or...people in general. Not only is it bad to be an asshole, but, if you’re genuinely concerned for someone and your stated goal is to get them to change their…
This. Does the entire world think that overweight and obese people don’t know the consequences of being overweight? Lindy West has an excellent discussion of this in her book Shrill. It’s like Jillian Michaels and everyone thinks they’re giving you some enlightening feedback, when really it’s just a reminder that they…
I’m not going to argue that there aren’t health problems that come with obesity, but I am going to argue that most people who bully/concern troll people about their weight don’t actually care about the health problems. They just think that being fat is at best a humiliating flaw and at worst a moral failing.
Overweight and obese people know that there are health consequences to their condition. I imagine they really don’t want to be like that, and dealing with health anxiety. And that’s how their self-esteem issues arise, and in a culture that is obsessed with beauty and sex (hey, remember how overweight the Peleton lady…
Oh look at that, no women. What a shocker.
The thought of Strom Thurmond filibustering? filibusting? in hell just made me crack up. With his boney dead ass. Thank you.
Most people want to believe that they can be their partner’s sexual everything, a kind of vanity they usually can’t fool themselves into with a bisexual partner. In truth, nobody should indulge in that vanity, because it’s crazy and dangerous to imagine that your partner could never desire anything but you, regardless…