
So much floof - what a lovely girl.

It is the news site Strom Thurmond would blog for if he weren’t doing filibusters in Hell.

Oh what a day! While I am so very happy for Bruce, I will miss his sweet face. I love that you’re sending him on his way with his Security Rug (tm).

He needs a belly tattoo that says "decorative, not functional!"

I remember that when I watched it, sometime in 2012-13, I was really surprised it hadn't survived. So much smarter than most of the espionage/intelligence community tv out there.

Security rug! So important for a happy Bruce.

My mother said something similar to me about my now husband - ‘he needs you more than you need him, and that’s just fine.’ She was right, and it is just fine.

Oh, the sweethearts! Carlotta and Aspen’s story is so adorable - I’m all mushy in my heart now.

I'm so sorry, Maya. The loss of a beloved friend leaves a big hole in our hearts and our lives. As one cat person to another, I send e-hugs and much sympathy.

I admire you trying to reason with the concern troll, but he’s spelled Jagmeet Singh’s name wrong every time he used it to make his clearly uninformed argument. I doubt he’s an NDP supporter (or someone who cares about racist actions) given that.

I lived in both countries as a kid in the 80/90s and the smug Canadian attitude that “we’re not racist like they are” was clearly bullshit, but no one had ears for it.

Thank you so much! I am really pleased to hear that he's doing well. He has such a serious and cautious look to him, I can't help but give him my heart.

So many adorable kitties! And quadruple Erle AND triple Bruce... my heart is full. Thank you for another wonderful update, Krispy!

Andreescu was on the same page:

What a happy week, with so many adoptions! That’s wonderful.

There is no bond so strong, so faithful of that between a cat and their string (or shoe lace). I do love seeing the kittens each week learning about this special relationship. Plus Bruce!

Thank you for a lovely update. I think Naomi is so pretty - like a muted tortie, with peach and grey. Winnie looks like a wildcat. I bet she’s a few evolutionary rungs closet than most!

I can’t recall the name of Maximum Goofball there (s/he has been featured before, I think) but all praises to them. Peak SillyCat.

Ohhhh! It looks like he melted. Pair of cuties, those two. I do love a ginger kitty.

We signed up for DAZN just for cricket and EPL, so it’s been all Ashes here the last few days. I’ll admit I’ve not been paying detailed attention, but I will say that both sides were remarkably slow off the top of their innings and I found the bowling from England was often almost ?lazy? or at least lacking in