
My husband’s grandmother told me a bizarre story at a wedding dinner once about women wearing tiny, baby gators in brooches back in the 80s (or 70s?). Said gators would wind up in the sewers, supposedly. I assume she and your uncle had friends in common.

I had my uterus out several years ago, when I was in my 30s. It was not as bad as I feared - not easy by any means, because there was a big cut just above my pubes, but I was up and about within two weeks.

Oh Humphrey! I’m going to miss his sweet face, but I’m so happy for him and Walter and Patches and Toby.

My name is a mashup of some names in my family. My picture is a fat unicorn because my friends call me Unicorn and I’m chonky. It was fun, taking a skinny unicorn and bulking it out into a big boo.

When I was a kid, somewhere between 7 and 10, I learned that people eat some flowers. Probably saw nasturtiums on a salad or something. Anyway, I decided that my little brother and I would taste test our way around the flower bed by our place.

I had the same question, but a quick wiki search tells me that the game has been around for a while. It also lead me to Nomic, which was like Mao for super geeks. My high school had a club dedicated to it, of course. It was us rebellious, willful under-achiever types who played Mao.

Marvel better be careful, though. That cat better make it through the movie without damaging so much as a whisker, or the cat-internet will burn the world down.

It’s great to have you and the Shelter Kitties back this week. I hope that your family matters are progressing in a positive direction.

The first season struck me as a good show despite its main character. Then they took his self-centeredness down several notches and the show stepped from good to great.

Margo is my hero! I adore her; I worship at her alter of snark. And she’s had such fantastic development, so all the better.

100% agree an all points, and Thank You for bringing the truth: Ru’s runway was a travesty.

I'm so sorry, that’s the most miserable helpless feeling. I second everyone’s advice about posters and rescue groups. Also, hit the social media - our city has lost pets groups on facebook and you can tag to get retweets or shares all over where you live. People will share the posts generously, because you’re living

It sucks that you’re living at a friend’s and heartbroken right now. Not how anyone should have to start a new year. I hope that guy feels like a complete shit for putting you through this.

The mascot of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. So, clearly not this guy.

I want to offer you my thoughts, and frame them by letting you know that I am willingly childless. It is a choice I made many years ago and am happy with, but I don’t think it’s necessarily the choice you have to make.

So much love for those blind kitties! And my favourites, Devo and Humphrey. Thank you for the update, and for everything you do to help these kitties.

Woo! I had mine taken out several years ago (at 35) and I love it. If they can leave and ovary in that’s good so you’re not on so much HRT, but I don’t miss my misfiring, cystic egg sacs at all. Get some good rest beforehand, prepare for a quiet couple of recovery weeks, and then enjoy a life with so much less pain!

Oh my gosh, I'm crazy for Ethel. I mean, I still love the handsome Humphrey and Devo-of-the-bin, and all the rest, but the face on Ethel! I hope you get lots of extra visits soon to make up for not seeing your kitties all week. They're so adorbs.

I’m doing baked gifts this year, so I was at the store today stocking up on spices and sugar. It’s going to be gingerbread, sugar cookies with ridiculous shapes and lurid icing, and my great-great-grandmother’s shortbread. But I’m so tired from shopping on Dec 22 that I’m putting off the baking to tomorrow and eating

That is so cute! It's the shirt collar points that take it over the top. What an adorable squidge!