
Aaahhh! So many ginger kitties! I love the ginger kitties. Here is my coworker’s wee ging a few months after he was adopted from the shelter:

I go to group every week to learn skills from Dialectical Behavioural Therapy. It’s full of stuff to help cope in the short term when you have a mental illness that involves episodes of difficult times (I’m bipolar with borderline traits so I can’t speak directly to your situation, but people in my group are living

You don’t have to apply, but why would you use up you savings (which could become a downpayment or RRSP) when you could get back some of the money you’ve been contributing for I don’t know how many years?

Humphrey is a dear, with his nipped off ear. He may be taking Devo’s place as my favourite. I’m so pleased that Frank has a new home, though I'll miss his cave pictures. That’s great news.

Tesla is unhappy about the new roommate who showed up last week, but she loves the new chair that mysteriously arrived on the same day.

I completely misheard this as “horny Arizona shrimp whore” which I believe is quite accurate to the character if not the script.

Canadian politeness can be shady AF. It’s a point of national pride.

Those images are appalling and deeply offensive. How racist and up your own ass do you have to be to create and share something like that?

Why do so many white people not believe in curtains? I don’t need to see your lives all day every day, like you’re my own reality show. Fucking entitlement, right there.

Canada would like Justin Bieber (and his wife) to leave us alone.

Yucky yuck! Cysts are misery - I never threw up (thank heavens, as I loathe vomiting) but did pass out once. I highly recommend the oophectomy! I had my ovaries out about seven years ago and I haven’t missed them at all.

It’s completely okay. My parents took in a cat that way. To ensure they weren’t catnapping him, they bought a collar and put a big tag that said something like “we are going to adopt this cat unless you call us to say he is your cat” and when no one called, the cat moved in.

Oh, this is full-on nation-wide policy stuff. The Indigenous people of Canada have been actively oppressed and eradicated from the moment settlers arrived to this day. As I write dozens of communities are living with toxic running water and the young people are killing themselves at seven time the rate of

Completely agree about the contractor. If we'd had my step grandfather in, we would have been way better off that with the official inspector.

Shop around on the mortgage, because interest rates are all over right now. We got a mortgage with a fixed rate for the first five years because I don’t know where the economy is going, but I do want to know what I’m going to owe the bank each month. I ended up at the bank I already used because they gave me a bundled

I heard Rehtaeh Parson’s dad being interviewed about this case on As It Happens the other day and it was so sad. Whatever it is that’s wrong with young people (young men in particular) that they think harming other people is entertainment, that’s been around for a while and technology is just helping them spread their

The situation with your husband sounds brutal, and it’s great that your breathing freer now that you’re going it alone.

That pile of kittens is the best thing I’ve seen all day. Thank you for sharing!

The point that I took from this review is that people took a story about a contentious topic and made a technically capable movie about it. What they failed to do was give that topic - the reason the movie exists - depth and humanity. They told the story of the persecution of black people without a fully formed black

I thought this was a lovely episode, and rich in many layers. The one that really struck me that hasn’t been mentioned yet is that the many-eyed Witnesses were observing the deaths of soldiers on Remembrance Day (Veterans Day for Americans). It could have been a fluke of timing, but Prem's memories of the war, the