
I did not realize that there were a finite amount of rights to give out. Now I feel bad that for every gay marriage, a straight couple will have to do without. Can’t we just manufacture MORE rights, so, like, everyone can have them? It’s simple logic.

And did that last guy just straight up admit that he doesn’t think black people and gays are Americans?

Watch what the gay community does next.

My favorite one is the guy who seems to think rights are a finite resource, so if you grant rights to a new group, other groups have to give some rights up. It's a redistribution of rights, I guess.

Drowning in bigot tears!

“When you give rights to the minority, you take rights away from the majority—simple logic”

“We only trust 5-4 Supreme Court rulings when we’re the five, like when they put Dubya in the White House! Rulings that go 4-5 prove that the entirety of the court system needs to be abolished! Argle bargle activist judges mutter SJWs blah blah blah kvetch

That attitude explains so much about the right’s reaction to every civil rights cause ever. Like, I imagine this guys grandfather or great-grand at the time of the suffragettes, “I’d like for you to have a vote, women, but then I’d have to give up my vote. So I’m a no on that.”

“Just give everything to the black, gays and illeagls and we as AMERICANS watch them realy distroy this what used to be “GREAT COUNTRY.”

My favorite is the one who’s mostly just concerned with how ISIS will feel about the ruling.


“When you give rights to the minority, you take rights away from the majority—-simple logic.”

Or end it with “FACT”.

You can win any argument if you just say, “simple logic” at the end of every sentence.

“This will make ISIS really love us now!”

You would think that any rational person would question a strong belief of theirs if it so happened to align perfectly with ISIS.

When you give rights to the minority, you take rights away from the majority—-simple logic.

I LOOOOOOOOOOOVe the fact that the more progressive we get, the more and more these people sound like absolute LOONEY TOONS.

illeagls sounds like an avian themed hip hop group

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