
Not really. Whimsical spelling aside, it’s showing up to say have your laugh but don’t forget about the real issue here, the plight of the man. Are there legitimate mens (sorry, menz) issues? sure! do they have to be part of this specific conversation? I guess that’s where we diverge.

Yes, I'll never understand a guy's penchant for paying the entry fee and then complaining about it. Maybe if guys stopped going to places that charged only guys this would no longer be a thing. Like BE the change you want to see man. This practice is derived from the patriarchy, is unfair to men, and still women get

I would love, love, love to have someone set up a few fake, pop-up nightclubs with only men allowed entry..but for free! Or maybe allowing both genders, but men get in free.

Sing “Rolling the Deep”!

Psst. Dude. Dude. Not the time.

Being snarky can be a good strategy(in this instance) to make people realize the oppression women face at the hands of patriarchy. Also it helps oppressed people laugh about their struggle because sometimes that is the only thing that will get them through the day.

It occurs to me that some men think sex is always on the woman’s terms because the men ask for things and the women get to say yes or no. But the men don’t get to say yes or no because women frequently don’t ask for anything. It’s not that women don’t want anything; it’s just that our patriarchal society conditions

As a self enlightened individual, you have to understand the irony of the male feminist showing up to tell the ladeez to keep down the snark.

Ya’ll should watch the documentary India’s Daughter, about the gang-rape in Delhi. Full of super fun, equality loving quotes like this including one from defence lawyer who said he’d set his daughter on fire with petrol if she was ever raped. #equality.

Come on over here and I’ll kick you in the balls so hard they fall off and then you’ll get to be a lady and have ALL THE FUN WE HAVE every fucking day of our lives.

Oh come on. At least make it discri-MAN-ation.

Also, to all my manbros out there. Let’s take a closer look as to why women get into clubs free: because men are willing to pay ridiculous cover charges to get into places that have lots of women. So the bar/club owners are eating the cost of the free admission for women if it means a dude is going to pay $20 to get

I’ve never understood the complaining about free drinks thing. How can you complain about me getting free drinks, when you are purchasing them for me? That’s like my older brother buying me a pair of diamond earrings for my birthday and then turning around and calling me spoiled for being the only girl. I don’t get it.

It’s Indian based but all the people on the posters are of European descent?

God, women get raped at a disproportionately higher rate than men and its like, what about us? why is no one raping us? Am I not rapeable?!?!

And the bus bit is particularly laughable, since they instituted all-female buses because guys would not STOP RAPING WOMEN ON THE BUSES.

On the one hand, I am like this:

I think there’s a typo in that one. It should read:

WOW. just WOW. These are some pretty tech save 13 year old boys.

“If we want sex, then it has to be at your terms?”