
Yeah, it is sad as hell. If I didn’t know it was about a pregnancy, I’d think she had some advanced cancer diagnosis or something. And frankly, I don’t love the self-pity. She might be pregnant, but she’s still conservative royalty. She’ll get made fun of by the media, but she’ll still have all kinds of money,

I will never not judge this woman after I saw her and her mother interviewing a lady about something and when the lady said that she made her living as a teacher, Bristol and Sarah both sneered. FUCKING SNEERED.

That’s what gets me about her, the shaming of other women in similar situations. I had a baby young and out of wedlock, it made me more sympathetic towards other women. To Bristol Palin however, it further elevated her high horse, hypocrisy and complete lack of empathy. I reserve my feelings of compassion for the

Same here. Most of the girls from my ultra religious all girls school ended up pregnant before 20. Some straight out of high school. A lot of them are single moms. Some of them had hush-hush abortions. Make something a taboo and have people be as ignorant as possible and this is what you get. Children having children.

Sure she did. Lots of people with terrible parents grow up to be not-terrible adults. I’m not entirely lacking in sympathy for her, but she’s not a child anymore, and she could have chosen to break away, or at the very least to not spend vast amounts of time and energy advancing her mother’s horrible platform. She

Exactly. And when we did have sex ed, our teacher was a very religious young woman who constantly reminded us that she was engaged and was saving herself until marriage. And when the girls in my class had real questions (like, and I quote “But what if we’re, you know... horny?”), she just couldn’t answer them for us.

I’m more inclined to think she got knocked up by some side piece, and Meyer broke it off when he found out. Else, why no mention of him whatsoever in that post? It would explain why she comes across so depressed and dripping with shame.

It’s just hilarious to me. Not long ago she was judging Miley Cyrus for not keeping the “conservative values” her family instilled in her, and look at this. What’s conservative about having two kids with two different fathers out of wedlock? I’m sure her mother thinks that’s what trailer trash do. It’s the people she

That and I’m pretty sure last week she had a little more than a notion that she was pregnant so...

A woman who shames other women in to abstaining from sex until marriage has had not one but two pregnancies out of wedlock?

I know this has been, and will be, a huge disappointment to my family, to my close friends, and to many of you.

No joke. This is maybe the most miserable pregnancy announcement I’ve ever seen, with the added “keep the fuck out of my business, tho” note.

Wow, I have never seen such a weirder pregnancy announcement. It’s so weird. I love that it’s okay for her to judge and stand on her pulpit yet at the end of the day, she calls for “no lectures.” Bitch please.

Tl;dr - “OMgggggggg why does Jesus keep making me pregnant when I don’t wanna be?”

I grew up in the bible belt where we, like Bristol I’m sure, learned the abstinence only version of sex-ed. As a result, I had many peers in middle and high school who were pregnant, including a 12 year old (TWELVE WTF) seventh grader. I mentioned this in passing to a coworker once, and she was adamant that this is

Maury Pauvich is the only person I trust to get to the bottom of this.

So she calls off her engagement. A month later, she’s forced to admit she’s pregnant.

I know a lot of people are going to say we should feel sorry for her etc, but no fuck her. She was talking shit about Miley and Caitlin Jenner just last week, now everyone should be non judgmental bc she can’t practice the idiocy she preaches, um no fuck her. I would feel sympathy if her family didn’t go out of her

Well let’s hope her kids never read that post. Christ, lady.

Look, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with being a single mother. But there’s definitely something wrong with being anti-choice and anti-sex-ed and anti-your-own-kids. Palin clearly did a number on her own kids.

I can’t wait for the apologists to come screeching.