
It also sounds like a cocktail at the world’s best theme bar!

I always kinda figured you were the demonstrative sort. Here’s one for you:

I only post really stupid shit or moderately hostile comments and I’m ungrey. I have, literally, nothing to offer.

What’s the name for someone who gets drunk but spends the whole time thinking about how to act sober and takes care of everyone else because God forbid anyone think they’re drunk?

I warn you, there’s a 50% chance I’ll think I can dance (I CAN’T) and a 100% chance I’m going to hug you.

You can call me Ernest Poppins.

Mary Poppins here. I fucking love everyone when I’m drunk and will sway up to you and tell you that you are the best human being alive and I respect you and also you are so pretty and nice that I don’t even deserve to know you, no, don’t look at me, I’m ashamed to have someone as wonderful as you look at me. People

No, it’s a macho thing. I know someone who was assaulted by a guy after beating him at pool. He had to reassert his “manliness.”

The real question is whether this behavior holds true in other competitive, male dominated fields. Like, say, banking, management, technology, science — it’s not just a game when it’s your paycheck, your career.

I’ve always liked it when women were better than me at something (not to imply that’s rare, but women often hide it). I found it nice that a woman would actually demonstrate that they were competent and confident enough to show it.

My male students accuse me of witchcraft when I beat them. No, I can think ahead a few turns and make plans for what I moves I want to make. It's call strategy, guys.

I dunno. I’m not a gamer, but that all sounds a lot like, “Don’t walk home alone at night, wear gender neutral clothing, be alert and aware, keep your keys out.” I feel like it would be better to make structural changes to the games (ban hammers!) than to force women to hide while they play.

I’ve been playing videogames for twenty years but I’ve never played online because I’m too afraid. I really really don’t want a fun and important part of my life to become a thing where I feel uncomfortable or upset. I know, I know, not all male gamers/not all online gamers/not all online male gamers, but it’s only

HMMMM it’s almost like REAL LIFE.

how long did it take to dump him?

“The worst players are likely to be the biggest assholes.”

Insecure men are more hostile!?

That’s why I use a tape measure for a belt. I don’t get ready, I STAY ready.

When the first xBox came out I bought it for my boyfriend at the time and we started playing Halo together. I can not tell you how many times that game got thrown in the trash because I had kicked his ass at it and he was pissed. He’d rip it out of the xBox, slam it into the box and throw it in the garbage. I’d go