
My women’s studies class had a speaker in who worked with prostitutes to get into training programs. She herself was a former prostitute who had left the business so many of the women would talk frankly with her. The police had just recently announced a task force to look into the murders at long last, which myself

Hell, as a white man I was caught driving the wrong way down a one way slightly drunk at 2:00 AM with my girlfriend. The cop didn’t even get out of HIS car, he just rolled down his window and gave us a friendly “going the wrong way buddy” then left.

I was pulled over in eastern Oregon years ago for speeding...92 in a 65 mph zone. Mister state patrol man asked for license & proof of insurance, why I was going so fast (it was a beautiful morning in the middle of nowhere), bitched a bit at how long it took him to catch up to me (30 miles!) and gave me a ticket.

Cops lie to protect their own asses. In Minneapolis a few years (Jan 2003) back, cops picked up a homeless Native American guy in downtown. They brought him to Little Earth apartments (a primarily Native/1st Nations housing area) and pissed on his head. His HEAD. They then said he pissed on his own head, while passed

There was a killer like that in Canada too. He killed prostitutes, mostly First Nations women. HUGE numbers of women were going missing, but because they were prostitutes and Native, no one really investigated. Of course, Native women are still being murdered and going missing, just not by that guy anymore. It’s a

Yeah, I’m a white woman and have been stopped three times. One was for my license plate being out of date (WA), just got off with a warning. Two was for a taillight being out (Maryland), just a warning. Three was for avoiding a traffic light (Virginia), just got a warning.

In my neck of the woods, being charged with assault on an officer is code for the officer beat the shit out of you first, then charged you so that it would look like it was your fault. I’m guessing this is a similar scenario.

I’m with you. I’m tired of that meme going around on Facebook that says something like “not all cops are racists just like not all blacks are criminals”. WTF? If you know about this shit going on and you do nothing to stop it, you are complicit, part of the problem, and just as guilty.

There was a documentary about him on HBO, and they interviewed this black lawyer about the case. Even though she is a college educated, well off woman in a nice house, she told her son to never, ever call the police if something happens. She had a list of phone numbers on the side of the fridge in case someone broke

And even if she did kick the officer, the penalty for kicking an officer is not asphyxiation without a trial.

So Ms Sandra Bland, graduate who has just been hired for a good job, member of a black sorority, church goer, no criminal record, active in #BlackLivesMatter, is going to commit suicide after being locked up over a traffic violation? Does anyone believe that a black woman with an activist background is going to

Femicommunazis are a hive mind. We are all Jezebel staff.

Well, he’s a nice guy. I’d hate to see his life ruined over a trifling little mistake.

Can you even in your wildest dreams imagine getting hired again for ANY job, let alone one in your field, if you were once fired for racism and brutality? And can you in your wildest dreams imagine not only being hired but put in charge? Police are not only above the law, they’re above professional consequences!It’s

Like how would she even hang herself? Why was a rope or whatever she would of used even in the cell in the first place?

Waller County Sheriff’s Office said she died “from what appears to be self-inflicted asphyxiation,”

So the guy was fired for being a racist and then just gets another sheriff job in a different department? That’s cool, that’s cool.

She was probably vocal in letting them know she was aware of her rights and wasn’t going to be silent or passive in her mistreatment. That sounds about reason enough for these racist pigs to kill her.

Why do I get the feeling that Ms. Bland’s “suicide” was as likely as Freddie Gray breaking his own back?

i hadn’t heard about this. and i don’t believe a word the police have said about it so far.