
Yep. For those who don’t know, there’s an entire book on the early history of the autobahn system. It’s a pretty interesting read.

Neutral: I would agree with Wards that average people don’t know or care if their car is a rebrand of something else.

Only Oppositelock contributors italicize correctly and consistently.

Good god man, you are an artist.

Oppo & Sitelock

Can Road & Track buy Jalopnik?

Why does anything exist at all? Is this real life, or is it just a fantasy?

[2 months later]

No Ashton, just Ed Bassmaster

There's a camera right over there. And another one behind you. Please sign this form


I just assumed he was egotistical at first, but on second thought I'm sure he wore that shirt specifically for your convenience.

Wish I was cool enough to wear a shirt with my own name stylized on the front.

When you realize it wasn’t a fart...

If that were my home, I’d be fed up with the Fed Ex driver.

Nice, it will be much easier to box and mail my captured foes there now!

If only there were multiple signs and warnings advising drivers to take an alternate route.

I will freely support any and all EDS-1275 content.

Just do it, Raph.

Regardless, exposing yourself to coworkers is a surefire way to get shafted by the justice system.