
“if you punish someone forever, they’ll never join your cause. And good causes need all the legitimate support they can get.”

D.B. Pooper

Hello English guy.
I’d like to ask.
Are you fucking high? Seriously. Noone takes a 20 year old Z3 to the dealership for maintenance, and being based on an E36, they are more than simple enough to work on yourself, about the same degree as a Miata.

And thanks to 3-series underpinnings, quite a bit of aftermarket support.

For the heat loading of metabolic functions and hot electronics, presumably they’d use the same cooling technologies already used for suits, capsules, and habitats — it’s a bit complicated but a known art.

I’m not saying it’s not an official error. What I’m saying is that coach did a really stupid thing too.

Where is that coming from? She said nothing even remotely racist, yet somehow you made it about race? Lmao this fuckin website sometimes man.

Gonna go out on a limb and suggest that if the subject of the joke just laughed and moved on, maybe the rest of us should too.

I flap; therefore I am.

so, “is a cubs fan”

It’s shocking how many dedicated, lifetime Cubs fans I know who just never thought to mention it before tonight.

People that say “haters” are typically 15 year old girls defending Bieber on Twitter.

Cubs fans are just 4 wins away from realizing that one championship in 3 generations doesn’t change the fact they live in a city that’s 105 in the summer, 25 below in the winter, and where your kid has a decent chance of getting shot in the head going to school

Marquette King > Chris Kluwe

The problem is when you put it in the headline it shows up in the address and that can get the site blacklisted on VPNs and Company servers as NSFW


To bad it’s pointing the wrong way

"When they're on your lap they look 10 inches long. So I flicked it off."