
Respectfully, this line of reasoning undersells the reality of fetal development, and is actually a bit of a strawman argument. I mean, if a fetus truly is a clump of cells, then sure, there is no harm done by termination. But the biology of it all tells a more complex story. The heart beats around week 5. Synapses

This post is almost 4 years old...

I might be biased, but I think it looks pretty good with the hard top!

This is excellent. I wish you guys would do more of this kind of in depth analysis.

I like strange old cars and general automotive history, and Raph is a human encyclopedia for that stuff.

Genuinely love watching these!

Now playing

There’s a reason motorcycles and horses are popular there.

“I don’t see the problem”

Nah, he’s an actual engineer.

My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.

I took the headline at face value and watched the video thinking there’d be some substance there.

Elio Motors is never going to happen, Gretchen.

I have a sick feeling that “eventually” means “whenever Bernie kicks the bucket”.

Came for dorito moon, stayed for tuxedomoon

I’m just here for dorito moon.


That shade of blue looks very light to me.

It’s completely state of the art. So new, it hasn’t even been built yet.

I might be wrong, but I think they had maps in 2006