
The 90s were a great decade for boring old commuter cars.

Hong Kong is situated on very hilly terrain, and there are many skyways that connect buildings to one another.

Who fucking cares?

Snownuts make me go nuts!

I like that it’s not just another bland box.

I think it is good.

You seem to imply that I was safe before.

Gaping hole in Djibouti.

I kinda like the contrasted roof, though.

Two chicks at the same time, man.

I do, but my laptop is several states away at the moment.

Now playing

He’s not too bad apparently! Much better than Seb, anyway...

You do understand that it's a joke, right?

Pictured: Declan Hackett

“Maybe the dingo ate your baby!”

How much free time do you have, and where can I buy some?

I sincerely hope Hyundai’s 1990s shitbox reputation is out the door for good. Going back as far as the early-mid 2000’s, their cars have been very reliable. The automotive press speaks to this, and I can speak to this with personal experience.


How much did Nick pay you for this one?