Little know fact, back in the 1960s and 70s, men actually had tiny turkey brains so any time they showered there was always a risk that they would look up at the showerhead and open their mouths, thereby drowning in the process. Because women were too smart to do this, it was actually imperative they every man had a…
Crack dealers for twenty, because reasons.
Up to five years?
I’m actually amazed this documentary is even happening. Talking about an unknown black woman’s rape. Damn. This is the history we’re supposed to forget (like it was 400 years in the past), even though she’s still alive. Even moreso we’re supposed to forget it because it happened to someone ordinary and it was…
Society allows white men to make mistakes. Women and POC not so much. It was never about her emails. Just like how people aren’t really mad at the kneeling for the national anthem. They’re mad that black men are being uppity.
Melania’s husband repeatedly perved and practically stalked Harry’s mother as well as bragged about having the ability to fuck Princess Diana before and after her death.
It’s the classic British backhand.
I am sure he was being ironic; it’s British humour, I think. One hears that and realizes that one hasn’t been very busy at all. Then shame and guilt set in before righting the course.
It’s called SHADE.
Takeaway: There are some dumb MFers at ESPN. Seriously, one person can’t see the difference between the Lin incident (which involved an unwarranted racial slur - that might have been an accident, sure) and a label (supremacist) ostensibly based on a person’s actual past activities?
Just a reminder that Donald Trump publicly berated Obama on a daily fucking basis for eight fucking years, continually insisting that he did not meet the minimum requirement to be president. In short, fuck Donald Trump, and fuck this hypocritical bullshit by the right.
Our country has moved so far to the right that people who openly call themselves “conservatives” are basically authoritarians. It isn’t about consistency in the law, it’s about using your power to silence people you don’t like.
“Businesses need to be politically agnostic or they risk alienating large swaths of the country whether you agree with them or not.”
Remember, calling a white person racist (even if everything they do is racist) is the worst speech offense you can commit. Donald Trump can call Mexicans rapists, he can tell people that only Jews should count money, he can be sued for racial discrimination against black people, and he’ll still be elected president.
What I find extra depressing is how little coverage this got. 8 people dead (and one asshole) and you have to search deep to find it on any of the major news networks. Some people get injured in London and it’s all over the news, the president is tweeting about it, and we’re getting live updates from the scene.
“All I know is that I’ll talk to anyone about any of this,” Debbie Lane told CBS 11 News. “Because I am hoping that other young women or older women who have doubts about their partners, think there’s something a little fishy there, or the person is brutal in some way—get out. Don’t look back. Find a good person. And…
You’re aware that it was the penultimate point of the second set, which ended with a score of 22-20. You do that shit for 90 minutes and see how easy a two minute point will be.