This is literally the worst take I’ve ever heard about anything in my entire life. It’s like Jason Whitlock and Umar Johnson had a baby, and named that baby Tomi Lahren. You are that baby.
This is literally the worst take I’ve ever heard about anything in my entire life. It’s like Jason Whitlock and Umar Johnson had a baby, and named that baby Tomi Lahren. You are that baby.
not to put too fine a point on it, but when the beauty pageant contestants and the comedians are the ones calling out the racist and inflammatory rhetoric of our president and not, oh I dunno, OTHER GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS, then there seems to be something deeply amiss with our country
One other factor in her loss.... the election was stolen. Not only did we have Comey’s announcement and constant fake news online but hundreds of thousands of likely democratic votes were thrown away in key states and many states made it more difficult for students, urbanites and minorities to vote as soon as the…
Blame Congress, Obama did all he could in setting up DACA as a response to Rs blocking legislation in Congress. It was meant as a temporary thing until Congress could get it’s shit together. They never did and it’s doubtful if they ever will.
Instead of doing something asinine like blaming the person that gave these people what he intended to be a temporary respite to be followed by legal standing let’s instead blame the 63 million white supremacist/white supremacist adjacent/white supremacist apologist/closet white supremacist types that voted for this…
Let’s face it, Stephen King’s not a great writer, period. And yeah, his sex scenes are pretty bad in general. He’s a great story teller and has one hell of an imagination, but his style is lacking, to say the least.
They should also take away your achievements and give them to a player with a white character who didn’t earn them.
You don’t get it do you?
> won’t that really only end up punishing the black players?
I would imagine that that’s the whole point.
Jew was actually a class on the past game, the equivalent to wizard on a regular RPG, but I wouldn’t say it’s hate, since the only sane guy on the town, Kyle, is one.
Not hate. They exposed the origin stories of Scientology and Mormonism and pointed out flaws in the stories. I don’t think that’s hate. In fact, on the Mormon episode, the Mormon kid commented on how he liked his religion despite the flaws because it gave him a pretty good life. One of the show’s main characters is…
Keep telling yourself that.
Lol, sure they are.
Ah, this makes so much sense. All those black guys who died first in every action or horror movie weren’t pushovers, they were just playing on Legendary.
That’s a fucking bold move.
The one lynx didn’t accept the other lynx’s invitation on Lynxed-in. Lynx are big networkers.
When my favorite store stocks 10 of the same sweater in XXS and just one in XL, it makes me wonder if they’re actively trying to exclude XL wearers from representing their brand because yeah, there are many more XLs out there than there are XXS. That’s just statistics.
Why can’t 16 be high fashion? Why is it a niche, when so many American women wear that size? How many American women are 5"10", 118 lbs, do you think? How many adult women wear a zero?