Laura Thyme is Queen!

What, you didn’t like discount Eric Bana?

Aaand now I’m pregnant

Exactly as Daario Naharis should have been. The weird rugged father figure they replaced him with was super lame.

You’d think they could at least give Guillermo del Toro his third movie if they wanted to make something.

This is the look Orion gave me when I stopped scratching his head.

Mimi looking down on the rest of us.

Thanks so much for posting an update! I’ve thought about you and your little gift from time to time, but I couldn’t remember your handle! She looks so alert and smart <3 <3 We’re all pulling for you!!

Here’s my kitty being a grump because he thinks he should be getting more noms.

*Baby pictures*

Also, that lawsuit is baseless and will likely backfire in that the names of the white-privilege deniers will bec0me public.

Fucking white people.

I think it boils down to the Black community being matriarchal. White women just do not carry the confidence or wherewithal to handle white supremacy, racism, Black spaces, Black people etc. And again they’ve been trained to just implode on themselves when they want to get their way...honestly, I feel like we can look

These days I’m not much for prayer but I pray extra hard for those Black babies with specifically white mothers.

The thing here that made me particularly sad was that it sounds as if the son, despite the repeated digs at him and his beliefs, still was the one apologizing and trying to make things work.

The expression “blood is thicker than water” originally meant that the bond between comrades is stronger than family, as in bathing in the blood of your enemies is a pretty powerful bonding experience, and it has been bastardized into meaning the exact opposite.

For real. I honestly don’t think kids owe their parents much, if anything. Why on earth would you bring a child into the world, and then vote AGAINST that child’s best interests, and still expect your child to accommodate you? Being the bigger person is great and all, but that doesn’t mean you have to sit there and

I know it’s not shocking, but it’s heartbreaking to hear someone talk about how their own mother chose whiteness over their children. And wanting to take you to a step-family’s Thanksgiving? Just gross.

Unsolicited advice from someone who survived a very necessary estrangement from her own mother: beware of anyone who attempts to convince you that you should be able to look past this. I wish someone had told me 20 years ago that “blood is not thicker than safety.” Thank you and good luck.

Sorry, no sympathy here. I abide by the following mantra: if you associate with garbage, you’re also garbage. If you belong to a minority and associate with GOP garbage, you’re self-hating garbage. She’s only complaining because she isn’t aboard the gravy train.