
“Your name is Tree?” “Well, I’d like to saw you into planks and make a nice coffee table out of you.”

“I’ve never peed on a Tree, but for you, I’ll make an exception.”

“Of course you’re named Tree — you’re giving me wood!”

damn. I just made that joke without checking to see if anybody else had. *sigh* looks like I picked the wrong day to quit sniffing honey

I’m way too stoned for this article

Spoilers for a good quote below (can Kinja do spoiler tags? I can’t figure out how).

I also suspect its low take might be because it’s simply not a very good movie. It’s not awful, but it’s long, slow, and devoid of the noir claustrophobia and nervous energy and tension of the original. BR2049 desperately needed the zing of a Rutger Hauer or William Sanderson to give it a live wire; plodding silently

Respectfully, I think there is a big difference between private citizens planning a protest and the government using valuable time and resources engaging in a stunt in order to score political points.

So if I’m at an event and Pence is there, all I have to do to get him to leave is to kneel? Shouldn’t this be on Lifehacker?


Yeah, except the scene from which Bone Tomahawk gets its name still haunts my nightmares. Christ.

I can assure you that it lives up the general hardcoreness that the title implies, and then some.

oh fuck yeah. bone tomahawk fucking owned, so im deffo gonna check this one out.

I’m 54 year old. Tom Petty and his music have been a constant in my life since I’m 13. I’ve worn out his records and seen him perform more times than I can count. He never quit. He has a new album and just finished a tour — he never became a “play the greatest hits at the county fair” guy.

I don’t think Harrison Ford cares* either way at this point.

Maybe he was good at it off screen, like how Quint was good at fishing, just not in Jaws.

I laughed at the line in the trailer where Deckard is like “I had your job once. I was good at it” because, good god, dude, no you weren’t. You were absolutely terrible at blade running. The only blade you managed to run was that one poor stripper you murdered in cold blood who wasn’t hurting anybody. The rest of the

(sound of toilet flushing)

Yeah I’m getting some serious deja vu with both the review and some of these comments.

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