
Ah, Angel Heart, with the cunningly named Louis Cyphre.


I was thinking about it the other day and wondered aloud to my wife “Why is it Ocean’s Eight anyways?” until I realized it’s because they anticipated being able to do an Ocean’s Nine and Ten before having competing numbers with the originals.

There’s a hilarious, crowd-pleasing stinger scene where Bullock, surprised to find Clooney waiting in her apartment after she returns from the heist, thinks he’s an intruder and shoots him in the face with a sawed-off shotgun.

That’s what the beginning of the movie claims, yes. Why would they deceive us? Surely he won’t pop up at the end of the movie, possibly in a post-credits scene, revealing that he faked his death for some reason. Preposterous!

(James Corden), flown in to provide comic relief

It is both disappointingly unsurprising

Normally when I read Iggy’s reviews, it feels like he’s straining to contain his observations and analyses, cherry-picking his best commentary and turns of phrase to keep things flowing and at a manageable length. This one however felt like someone wrenching four painful paragraphs out of a void.

I was born and raised and schooled in Tallahassee. It’s not surprising that she’d overlook Miami and Orlando. Every state is more diverse than it seems from looking at a map, and Florida may be amongst the most varied. The culture of Tallahassee with its bureaucrats, students and Old South holdouts, has little in

Batman Forever and Batman & Robin — are both awful*. And while they are bad because of many reasons, the most offensive of those reasons are tone and style choices that were just atrocious [and have aged into something even worse].

Clooney is more handsome and he’s a bigger fish in Hollywood than Keaton ever was, but Michael Keaton drips with charisma. Even in a bad movie, you can’t take your eyes off of Keaton. Dress Clooney like Beetlejuice and tell him to deliver a quirky hit.

“I guess what I’m asking is... is world Jurassic?”

Here’s my story about that movie: I saw it at the New York Film Festival. There was a Q&A afterward with Chandor and Redford. So cool, we got to see Redford in person! (I’m not a real journalist so this kind of thing still impresses me.) They took questions from the audience—an audience of all press, mind—as they

It’s not Mary Shelly, It’s Mary Shelley’s Biopic.

My dad’s been reading Kootz since the early, early 80s, and I picked them up and started reading them around the same time. I’ve had it happen, more than once, that I’ve been halfway through a Koontz book before I realize it’s one I’ve read before. Man with a mysterious past meets woman with a troubled past and a

Hey, look , a brilliant blonde gal and her unbelievably intelligent golden retriever! Again.

Try The Talisman with Peter Straub!!!

Add Last of the Mohicans to that list you philistine! ;)

Short stories really are his strength. The last few collections have been hit and miss but Skeleton Crew and Night Shift remain two of my all-time King favorites. I think The Jaunt may be my favorite short story ever.

Various things that were always B+: