
I saw it about a month after it was released and all the YouTube videos about how it sucked started popping up. And I sat in the theater at the end, dumbfounded, thinking “Wait, this is what everybody is complaining about? This was fantastic!”

I’m actually more interested to see this one. The first was fine enough, I guess, but I thought it wasn’t really as clever as it thought it was, mostly just presenting a stock superhero story and layering mostly weak, referential humor on top. But the trailer for the sequel seems funnier, and it sounds like this one

Dollar theater it is.

I’ve been reading at the AVClub for 10-12 years. Long time reader of extended comment threads as well as content. I’ve never felt the need to comment myself until today. This news is absolutely devastating. I learned about FR and picked up Midnight Organ Fight way back based on the strength of the love and affection

You know he was Scottish right? This isn’t exclusively an issue in the United States.

This was a band that meant a lot to me. I got to see them several times, always great. It was also a band that this site introduced to me, for which I’m forever grateful. His charm in discussing his Lemonheads cover years back will always stick with me, and that same charm carried through in all his performances.

I was just listening to Swim Until You Can’t See Land, which has now taken on an eerie and sadder meaning. This is so depressing. RIP.

Orgasm, She Rubbed

And I’m getting totally shredded on Myoplex™

Dave’s not here!

Bozy bozy bop...

that sounds awesome

Only slightly related: Back in college (fall 1994), our theater department did The Seagull, and even had a guest director from Russia! was terrible. He put a musical number in the middle of it...using David Lee Roth’s version of “I’m Just a Gigolo.” For real.

My absolute favorite, most hype-inducing example was from the series finale of the Leftovers: “Nothing is answered. Everything is answered. Then it ends.” Fucking brilliant.

“The Fonz (Henry Winkler) is worried he’s losing his cool.”

Oh hell yeah - Burger King especially always seemed to have the collectible glasses with painted-on scenes. I think I had these:

The writing is so terrible, the first action sequence is a great example. Batman and the Security guard are locked in the safe as a acid starts leaking out. the guard says “ OH NO, IT’S BOILNG ACID! A few seconds later, Batman borrows the guard’s hearing aid to which he states “Hey, HEY- That’s my Hearing Aid!” Later

Very underrated movie, and the next time I saw Naomi Watts was in Mulhulland Drive, wherein I absolutely yelled “that’s Jet Girl!” in the movie theater.

Followed shorty thereafter by “Whoa, Jet Girl is getting fingered?!”

The only album where you’ll find tracks by both Brandy and Sunny Day Real Estate.