
I read a good story about King once. Another author (can’t recall who, may have been James Ellroy), was hesitating on selling the rights to one of his books. He went to see King to ask his advice, as Stephen King obviously has form in the terrible adaptation department. King took him into his library, pointed at all


Oh my god, that funeral scene might be the hardest she’s ever made me laugh, which is saying A LOT.

I didn’t see the movie, though I loved the casting of Elba and McConnahey. It looked murky and over-cgi’d from the trailers - but then when I found out it wasn’t an adaptation of the first book I lost interest. Not that I’m a completist - but The Gunslinger is the only one of the books short enough, and with few

Yeah, the guy who literally let a child he could have saved fall to his death, and let the love of his life get burned alive because saving her would have slowed his pursuit of the Tower probably shouldn’t be portrayed as ambivalent about it.

He’s grading on the “Akiva Goldsman” curve.

Mostly it was the lack of Lobstrocities

I agree with you that it’s a branding effort. But if it helps to sway some young white kids not to grow up to racist shitheads, then it’s worth it.

Julianne Moore grinding people up into hamburgers sounds kinda hot

That sentence is a weird typo, it’s supposed to read “it’s like The Island of Dr. Moreau, if the whole movie were Marlon Brando taking a bath.”

But with one performance of Its Not Unusual!

I heard Tom Jones is being forced to play What’s New, Pussycat on repeat at the Salt and Pepper Diner. Truly horrifying stuff.

Sure, this review makes the movie sound like trash, but on the other hand:

I’m three for three!!!

I mean, I’m not sure how Lego phones work so I’m willing to give them a pass on that.

Ctrl + F - Paramore

Perhaps while they are in DC, they can stop by a science museum and finally find out how magnets work.

“...considering how family-friendly Bill Cosby’s work was.”

Want to see Death of Stalin so fucking badly. Crazy that Michael Palin hasn’t been in a film since Fierce Creatures.

No. The review clearly states that as time goes on they accumulate more and more people.