
Blood Work was pretty awful. That’d be my pick.

Moonlight still made money though. Hurt Locker is by far the lowest grossing best picture winner of the last 70 years, even adjusting for inflation. It’s really more the exception rather than the rule.

It was the kind of movie where I really just wanted to hang out with both the lead characters. Also, I absolutely fell in love with Nadia Hilker. Still waiting for her career to take off. 

Oh man. Could you imagine if Baby Driver DIDN’T get a nom for sound editing?

Spring might very well be my favorite movie of the decade. Fucking phenomenal.

But Blade II is his best movie!

A smart ass for sure but he also usually plays a motor mouth. In this his dialogue was minimal, especially in the latter half. He had to do a ton of work with his eyes and body language. Really awesome performance.

I seem to remember The Shadow having a cool look to it, albeit I haven’t seen that movie in 20 years.

I watched that a couple days ago and thought Vaughn gave a nomination-worthy performance. I’m still trying to figure out if that’s because his performance is actually that good or if it’s because he’s playing so against type that I kept forgetting it was him. Bone Tomahawk is definitely worth watching too. As long as

I thought everything about BR2049 was great except for two things: the plot and Harrison Ford. I could not get the thought out of my head while watching that Harrison just showed up for new plane money.

What I’m saying is that before writing off Iggy as suddenly becoming a corporate stooge (or something?) maybe see the movie and see if he has a point in his criticisms.

It’d probably help to see the movies yourself first to make sure.

But is it War Horse good?

Probably good to find a few critics whose opinions on films you tend to agree with and whose writing you like rather than rely on everyone who contributes to reviews at a given website or aggregating site.

Spoiler alert: it’s awful

And that one also had a poignant “main character gives the thumbs up” scene!

And According to Jim, he likes the blues.

Worse than <i>Hollywood Ending</i>?

And I often do.

I think that was from a film festival screening