

He looks like one of those orcs from the Warcraft movie

A million times this. He must have done that exact same move at least 6 times in the movie.

It’s the shark from Jaws

This trailer totally ruined the ending of Black Panther: we now know he doesn’t die.

6 is my favorite (of the ones I’ve seen)! The tank/car chase! The endless runway! Probably other stuff too! That movie was all types of fun.

<i>Hanna</i> is pretty batshit and entertaining if I remember correctly.

Doctor Strange is actually the only movie I can think of that I recommended to people purely because of those ingenious visuals and action scenes. They totally made the movie, but since they were such a big part of the movie I would daresay the movie is “good.”

You could make the argument that at least Tyson served jailtime and paid his dues whereas Gibson hasn’t done jack shit. It’s a thin line I know, but every man’s gotta have a code.

Those were two really good times to stop caring.


I wish that performance was available online. And yeah, I still haven’t watched that entire last concert but the bits I saw were... rather emotional.

Great minds think alike.

The Tragically Hip doing “Grace, Too” on SNL in 1995. First time I’d ever heard the band. That blew my freaking mind. It was a wonder in and of itself that they were even on the show, but that performance... Gord Downie was the fucking man.

Holy. Shit.

Oh man. This had dog written all over it from the trailer. It really did play like an SNL parody sketch, with the most cliched dialogue snippets ever (“He’s taunting us!!”, “He’s completely insane,” “The only thing we know for sure... is that he’s playing games with us!”). It’s like they just grabbed the scripts of

And one hell of a Zorro movie.

My first thought was that you were referring to Harrison Ford. He needs to retire, as it is very very noticeable in every one of his film roles of the past however many years that he could not give two fucks about acting anymore. All I could think while watching him in this was “Harrison Ford agreed to this so he

That was an insane year... Ratatouille, Gone Baby Gone, Grindhouse, Hot Fuzz, Atonement, Superbad, The Assassination of Jesse James..., and of course Bee Movie.

Really looking forward to listening to this on my commute home today. I was a huge fan of Primary Colours and Skying, although Luminous didn’t do much for me. I had tickets to see them on their Luminous tour in Chicago, but they had to cancel due to visa issues. I hope they got that sorted out in the intervening 3