
Excited for new Horrors and hope they don't have problems touring the states this time. I had tickets to see them on the Luminous tour, but they had to cancel due to visa issues. Get it together, guys!

I was going off of my Letterboxd list and it lists them both as 2001, but I think they go by whatever date it premiered at a a festival. So ok, 2002. But plenty left to like!

and we are all made of stars

Sympathy for Lady MacVengeance

Is Gene Shalit writing the headlines for movie reviews here now?


Yeah. 4 of them a day.

It's insane that he went from American Psycho to The Machinist to Batman Begins. That is some crazy whiplash.

Rat Race is the last mainstream Hollywood comedy I can think of that's family friendly and legit hilarious. Have there been any good ones since?

The Terror is The Best.

You are scientifically correct that book 4 is the best. I highly recommend book 4.5. It's super enjoyable and a pretty slim, quick read. I was one of those people who was not crazy about the last couple books, so when I read 4.5 years after the original series, it worked as a great way to remind me of a lot of the

I recently became a convert to this show too, with one quibble: Griffin too frequently slurs his speech and/or mumbles when he gets excited about something, and he gets excited about stuff a lot. It drives me bananas.

I think it's less "We try not to talk about that" and more "I have no recollection of that."

Hopefully you've had a chance to see them since, but yeah this was killer. And they were in their rare A-formation (Feist, Emily Haines, Amy Millan) too!

One of my most magical live music memories is seeing Broken Social Scene for the first time at Coachella in 2004. Up to that point, they'd existed as a band more in theory than in actuality. "You Forget It In People" had come out a year and a half earlier but the band was still incredibly mysterious. They didn't play

i vaguely remember sex

That's where I'm moving to. As one of my dearest friends, you should know this. I'll see you at Lisbon International in 45 minutes. Gate 6A. Don't forget the loading truck. You're the best.

Yes, of course. Can you help me move this weekend?

Yes that may have been what tipped me off.

Not true. I saw Sucker Punch at a free sneak preview and thought it was the worst movie I'd ever seen in a theater. Somewhere in the middle, I believe I leaned over to my friend who I brought with and whispered "I'm so sorry."