
Nothing pains me more than the fact the 90% of all mainstream American comedies are now basically 2 hours of improv. They're so sloppily edited and ugly to look at, with constantly shifting character traits and motivations based off whichever entirely improvised take happened to be the "funniest."

They've raved about all the F&F movies. I think they all just really want to be in one.

I feel like I've seen this quote 3 times today.

That's too bad. Aukerman seemed to genuinely like the movie when he talked about it on yesterday's CBB.

And I was indifferent to the character of Gypsy on Gilmore Girls.

AND a great Fleetwood Mac song!

I really want to see War Zone. I've heard a lot of weirdly positive things. And I have to imagine Ray Stevenson kills it.

Shaun of the Dead? Hot Fuzz? The World's End?

I thought The Fly was pretty good.

Last of the Mohicans is the best MIchael Mann movie and possibly the best of all movies.

The Sorcerer's Apprentice: Made during those heady, carefree days when Jay Baruchel was on the edge of superstardom.

Is this the space where we talk about The Punisher (Thomas Jane Edition)?

Like the Broccolis would allow James Bond to grow a beard.

If it's The Lone Ranger, this person is clearly Gore Verbinski.

Just found out From Nowhere is streaming on Amazon Prime

Fred Armison works much better in small doses. I really can't stand Portlandia, largely because it's basically The Fred Armison Show.

I just watched TBD last night. It was definitely unsettling, but I was trying to figure out if I was supposed to guess the "twist" so early. I figured it out during that diner scene and wasn't sure if I was ahead of where I was supposed to be or what. I spent the rest of the movie with a mixed feeling of impending

Yes, but for so many reasons other than this.

what's your address?

Hey i read the plot synopsis up top and found that to be pretty incomprehensible. Whether or not it's comically so, I leave that to someone who can tell me after they've seen it cuz i'm certainly not going to.