
Oh wow. I figured it was just me.

the sharks used to read Nat Geo magazine

I'd say it's fairly crowd-pleasing and straightforward for a Miike movie. First hour is all slow build setup, but the last hour is basically one long, exhilerating action scene.

13 Assassins, baby!

"He stalls, he stalls."
-Drivin Cargo

Yeah it sounds like complete nonsense. I was just curious if they had a coherent reason as to why he would want to see Pixar fail.

I haven't heard this conspiracy theory. Why would he intentionally be damaging Pixar?


You think I'm gonna sit idly by and let someone trash Cube 2: Hypercube?!

No joke. This guy was awesome and has a few other famous exploits, including the time he attempted to hit every opposing batter on the Reds: http://www.nonoadockumentar…

Remo Williams: Remember That Adventure That Began A While Ago? Well It's Still Going.

He puts mind to fucking purpose!

And the shared RBCU (Rapper Biopic Cinematic Universe) that kicked off with Straight Outta Compton

And her comic timing was impeccable in her run on 30 Rock

Lost in Mustache

Tagline: "Henry the 8th, he is, he is!"

This already exists and it is called Monster Squad.

Chandelier: "Could I be any more shattered?"

Was that Victor Frankenstein movie with Harry Potter and Professor X included in this new cinematic universe or was that separate?

2/3rds of the way through book 5 is the perfect place to stop. It's all downhill from there.