
They get paid to have band practice every day. That's an amazingly sweet gig.

I just listened to my first eps of this podcast over the weekend - Lincoln, which I love, and Suicide Squad which i happened to watch a couple days prior and is truly an abomination. I dig this podcast. They loved Lincoln for all the reasons I did and tore up Suicide Squad in a really insightful way. Just downloaded

I watched Suicide Squad for the first time the other day because I was in the mood for something stupid and also I hate myself. I knew it would be bad, but holy shit was that bad. It made me retroactively respect BvS more because if nothing else, it actually functioned as a movie.

Who in the hell says Jesse Eisenberg was a good Lex Luthor?

Currently reading All the Pretty Horses. Way less violent and way funnier than the other McCarthys I've read. So far only 2 people have been brutally murdered.

YES. Read it last year. Phenomenal book and so much fun.

Approaching the end of my first run through the original Dark Souls. Just cracked Lost Izalith yesterday and looking forward to diving back in and dueling with this badass pyromancer dude who smoked me yesterday. I'm only 6 years past the zeitgeist!

Gotta say that after listening to Metals a few times when it came out and putting it aside with a "meh", I've revisited it in the last couple weeks and it's grown on me quite a bit. I really like the way she uses a vocal choir approach on some of the choruses on there. It's a much more user friendly album than I

Fun fact: I fell asleep in both Godzilla and Rogue One in the theatres. Edwards movies are just so fucking DARK. And I mean that in the literal sense. They're the perfect mood lighting for naps.

Aaron Taylor-Johnson is the Jai Courtney of Sam Worthingtons.

And why is Spiderman helping her with the fitting?

I love Gabrus, but this ep was the first time that Intern Geno started to get on my nerves. He just seemed to be trying way too hard to be heard as the episode wore on. Although I could probably accuse at least half that guests of that.

Finding the bulk of Pure Comedy to be a tough listen. I admire Josh's lyrics, but it was all much easier to like on Honeybear when the songs were dressed up with more interesting melodies and instrumentation. A lot of Pure Comedy is really sparse, which asks the lyrics to carry more of the weight. Most of it is a slog

Ooooooh yeah, baby. Stimulate my economy. A little to the left.

You mean like Fillmore Containers, your single source for quality glass jars, closures, and accessories?

Whoa weird. I'm currently reading Thirteen Gun Salute and merely an hour ago came across the first reference to The Nutmeg of Consolation. Kinda disappointed to find out it's a nickname for the Sultan and not like an actual nutmeg with superpowers.

I felt the same way about The Assassin. Gorgeous movie that felt like it stretched to infinity. In a bad way.

Damnit! Maybe I dreamed it? It's been a good 20 years.

Hell yeah although its similarity to the source material is subliminal at best.

That may be true but at least they've got The Gunslinger reloading his bullets in the air. I've envisioned seeing that in my head ever since I was 12, so even if this turns out to be hot garbage I still call it a net win.