
Based on the cast listing order, Ryan Reynolds dies first?

Kneebody is the shit! I saw them on tour with Daedalus playing with the band as Kneedalus last year. Incredible stuff.

i.e. Let's kick some ice!

You missed out on the fourth, and best, season! Seriously. No spoilers, but the way the show rams head-on into some larger than life characters is fucking thrilling.

no doubt

I fell asleep during Godzilla. I also fell asleep during Rogue One. Gareth Edwards makes really really dreary looking movies that are conducive to napping.

The giant werewolf from Rampage?

Suzie K (the "K" stands for Kong)


I thought this was a sequel to The Sports Machine.

"Permanent Scar" was the first song I heard from him. I loved its weird and alluring mixture of borderline incompetent rap-singing and synth tones. And that chorus! I honestly couldn't tell if he was a great rapper or a terrible rapper, but I could not get the song out of my brain. I listened to it incessantly.

Listen to Kevin Gates' album from last year - Islah. Fantastic. And if you don't want have time for the whole thing, just listen to "2 Phones." That song hasn't left my brain in like 8 months.

He's the Bob Pollard of depression filled codeine rap

The Sorcerer's Stone?

I so enjoyed all those transgressions into storytelling from New Sun. I found all of them to be weirdly compelling.

I'll vouch for the awesomeness that is "The Music of Erich Zann" as a great taste of things to come. That might be more mid-period Lovecraft than early though. But yeah… everything in the Cthulu Mythos is so on point.

Oh man. I read BotNS about a year ago and it instantly became one of my favorite things ever. It's hard to argue with your point about the narrator's view of women, but the utter strangeness and creepy majesty of the world vastly outweighed that for me. There are scenes from that book that are permanently seared into

Finished Gene Wolfe's mostly awful Book of the Long Sun. It was like 80% dialogue. The characters spent most of the time discussing things that just happened to them without the reader getting to actually see the stuff happening. It was incredibly boring, uninvolving, and confusing. I cannot believe this was the same

Extremely verbinski

Didn't Tropic Thunder come out at about the same time as the first Iron Man? And didn't The Judge suck?