
I just finished up Desolation Island, book 5 in Patrick O'Brian's Aubrey/Maturin series. This has been my favorite so far. I feel like these books are really starting to hit their stride. Holy hell can this man write. These are far and away the most immersive pieces of historical fiction I've ever read. And O'Brian

And that live stream was actually pretty tight.

Yeah I know. I'm just poking fun. Beyond pumped for the new album and tour. His FB post is great too.

You got to attend that epic show and you've found a way to complain about it? I had to watch a shitty stream of it online in my living room!

I was hoping for Claudia O'Doherty's Samantha impression:

i've been saying that all week

I am 10 months late to the party on this, but I just finished watching this movie and that spaghetti scene made me profoundly uncomfortable. Dear lord.

I found the first few episodes in Italy to be a bit of a slog. Everything from the Hannibal/Jack fight on was aces though.

I think you're forgetting a little film called Zardoz.

When people either love or loathe your movie, you've definitely done something right.

Wasn't it supposed to be a miniseries? What happened with that?

I found a lot of Anna Karenina and War & Peace to be shockingly relatable, and there was a lot in the first half of W&P that I found hilarious. Tolstoy is amazing at casually tossing off these universal truths on practically every other page. I enjoyed W&P a bit more than AK because it had a bit more plot propulsion,

I have nothing to compare it to because it's the only version I read, but their War and Peace is fucking awesome.

I know I'm late to the party on this comment, but you really should give the miniseries another shot. The first episode is the weakest. Things happen way too quickly, I agree. But things drastically start to improve in episode two, and Bertie Carvel steals the entire series as Strange. I say all this as someone who

For whatever reason, I did not understand what the hell was going on in Gentleman of the Road.

Reading the Discworld book Moving Pictures. I've been reading these books for the first time and going in order of publication. I'm finding this one a bit lackluster. Lots of lame classic movie-based jokes. Still, Gaspode the Wonder Dog's "Woof?" never fails to amuse me.

Upvoted for your McCabe & Mrs. Miller shoutout. Holy hell is that movie great. In a perfect world, rappers would be obsessed with McCabe & Mrs. Miller instead of Scarface.

I mentioned this in the Heart of the Sea comments section: I wish someone would make a massive online multiplayer game that took place in the world of Aubrey/Maturin. The books are already so immersive that I already feel like I'm sailing along with Lucky Jack and co. How much fun would that be, piloting a Royal Navy

I'm pretty sure you were the guy that got me into Guy. I read my first two of his books this year and loved them both. I've got Lions of Al-Rassan sitting on my bedroom floor and cannot wait to get to it. Thanks!