
Agreed! The stupid one was First Class.

Moby Dick and Anna Karenina and Pride and Prejudice. I feel so cultured!

Gung fuckin Ho! But that is definitely due to Michael Keaton.

Porn never goes out of style. Get him some porn.

I'm just getting into these books. I've read the first four and kept help thinking how much fun a massive online multiplayer game set at sea during this time period would be. Oh the possibilities!

What about the eastern though?

Rectify that! I had never seen or heard of Bertie Carvel before, but he steals the whole show as Strange.

What is the reputation on Tom Holland that you speak of? I've had this book in my queue forever because it was recommended by Andy motherfucking Falkous but I know next to nothing about it.

I see it hasn't paid off yet

I was also wildly impressed with BBC's Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell adaptation. It made me super pumped for a possible His Dark Materials miniseries.

I did! Loved it. I was glad they were able to get some of the humor out of the books. Also, I vomited in my mouth a little every time Anne Boleyn said "Cremuel".

Best stuff I read:

Hi nerds! I finished Acceptance, the third book in Jeff VanderMeer's Southern Reach trilogy. This was a definite improvement over Authority. The plot jumped around in time between four different narrators instead of just focusing on kinda lame Contol, so things were never boring. And stuff happened! Lots of stuff!

The Drones may be the greatest live band I've ever seen

Fuck yeah to Future! Has there been a better opening line this year than "I just fucked your bitch in some Gucci flip flops"?

I dunno, but Sturgill Simpson is definitely worth everyone's time.

YES EXACTLY! It's pointless to get mad at a consensus list for having tastes that run too close to what every other list's top ten will be, because obviously that's what will happen. It's always far more interesting to go to the individual ballots and find the more idiosyncratic stuff.

The first five tracks are perfect and perfectly sequenced. I think it took a hit at "No Anthems" and never fully recovered but there's some solid shit in that latter half.

True story: Ted Danson is so awesome that I once briefly considered watching an episode of CSI.

I vote for long lingering shot of Lovecraft's grave going into every commercial break