
So it's like Sons of Anarchy without the motorcycles

So King Rat was the first (and still only) Mieville that I've read. I don't know why I started with it since all the chatter I read about him concerned pretty much every other book but this one. And there was good reason because holy hell did I hate this. It really turned me off reading his other stuff even though I'm

Why on earth did you read Wizard and Glass first?

Well luckily you'll have Blood Meridian to cheer you up right after.


I should be done with this in the next couple days. If I remember, I'll post an update next week on whether I thought they were worth it. Let your anticipation build accordingly.

Working my way through Acceptance, the third book in Jeff VanderMeer's Southern Reach trilogy. I'm pretty hot and cold on these. I mostly loved the first one. It was compact and reminded me of the best parts of Lost and Myst. Book 2 really just meandered way too much and had a far less interesting setting and little

JS&MN is one of my favorite books ever. I also just finished the BBC miniseries a couple weeks ago. It's very well done. Highly recommended!

The only Murakami I've read is Wind-Up Bird Chronicle and I had the exact same reaction to it.

Spoiler alert: NOPE

Hunger Makes Me a Modern Girl - I'm a Sleater-Kinney superfan and could not be more delighted that virtually no time is spent talking about Portlandia, a show I repeatedly tried tricking myself into liking because of my love of Carrie. I just finished the chapter on The Woods (i.e. the greatest rock album of all

Looks like someone has never seen a little movie called Mortal Kombat: Annihilation

Wait so Andy Serkis served as Second Unit Director on this?? I did not know that.

I too flashed back to the last time your dog had diarrhea.

Sean Beigne?


I just watched the whole series about a month ago. I have never done so much yelling at my tv before. Such an awesome fucking show.

How do you feel about the Animal House epilogue?

definitely fell asleep in the theater during that one

Kevin James?