Davina Spafford Stuart

I am sadly disappointed that it’s not actually Hathaway getting her Fifty Foot Woman on. Oh well.

I would really have like to see Idris Elba get the part of James Bond (if he were actually interested) for just that reason. I’ve loved him since Ultraviolet on Channel 4 in the UK, right through his days as Stringer Bell and beyond.

I think the tide is beginning to shift slightly, but it definitely needs to change

I never stopped to think about it before, but given Bruce’s history I would expect he really wouldn’t know how to be a good dad. He has a lifetime habit of being aloof and keeping secrets from people close to him. His previous Robins were never really children to him so much as trainees.

Why did no one ever think Bruce Wayne was Superman?

“I dont WANT to be a super hero! DAD! I WANT to be a NOTARY PUBLIC!”

Daisy, Coulson, and Mack all used Fitz’s framework hardware on-screen in the episode. Since we found out later that the framework runs on a massive global botnet, it’s possible that Aida grabbed their scans from Fitz’s unit while they were immersed. They probably wouldn’t have bothered to show those three specifically

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It seemed odd that Radcliff or AIDA would be able to scan Daisy, Mac and Coulson so quickly, even with the time distortion that FitzSimmons discussed. Could it have anything to do with the fact that all three were in the Framework training program back at SHIELD HQ. Did they unwittingly open themselves up to being

Nobody said it had to be a good copy. I’d love to watch Brett Dalton playing nu-Ward as a no-inside-voice full-throttle-enthusiasm idiot. Heroic, useful even, but dumber than a bag of hammers.

If they wanted to they could do something Forest Gump style like they did with Clara. Or they could piece together footage and have an old Doctor appear on a tv screen or something in a story like Blink where an old version of the Doctor is leaving messages for the current Doctor. One advantage of the old Doctors

I was hoping Mel Brooks would reprise the role, but what can you do?

I really think Moff is ignoring the idea of recasting classic Doctors way too much. “Old School” fans were very accepting when Richard Hurdnell stepped into the role of the First Doctor for “The Five Doctors” (Bill Hartnell had passed by then).

Anyone that has ever read and appreciated Pratchett’s stories is a student of the Unseen University.

I just watched it. The Neil Gaiman bit broke me completely.

According to a paragraph of exposition that was (rather wisely) cut from the final script, Gracie was born in China but was shipped back to the states as a child after her missionary parents were “massacred.”

“But how many strange things can continue to happen to the same people?”

I’m referring to how the light blade seems to extend down into the handle more. The emitter end on “Rey’s” version looks different than on Luke’s.

I always thought of the Sith and Jedi being like the Skeksis and the Mystics from the Dark Crystal.  

I just don’t see Rey being Leia’ daughter. It isn’t possible. Han and Leia even if they did drop her off alone for her whole life would have said they were her parents. Leia had just lost Han, there is no way she would have let her now only child worth protecting run off to get Luke alone. Rey is either Luke’s kid,

Not everyone enjoys spoilers - I’m in the no spoilers camp. I do however feel that people can go ahead and speculate, chat or talk about it as much as they choose, just keep the spoilers out of the header and then people can avoid them if they prefer, or dive in head first if that’s your thing :)

First of all, I don’t think he’s actually mad, he’s just acknowledging the reality that people on the internet tend to figure things out really quickly.