Davina Spafford Stuart

Well it depends on what you consider a good show.

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That finale was one of the finest pieces of Art ever broadcast on television. In fact, the only true Surrealist cinema or visual narrative I have ever seen on TV.

We’re rewatching the entire series to get prepared and man... does that show SUCK after the Laura Palmer murder is solved and David Lynch left the show. It is a slog getting thru those episodes.

I’m still waiting for the Twin Peaks/X-Files/So Weird/Stranger Things crossover where journalists Fi Phillips and Jonathan Byers (played as an adult by Michael Shannon) team up with Mulder and Scully to investigate missing FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper.

Where’s Will? Did he get stuck back in the Upside Down?

Considering the theme of “they stole your life”, I’m hoping they’re going with the idea that Major Kusanagi was Asian... before they rebuilt her into their ideal (white) woman. It could totally work, if they handle it well enough!

I know right? When I saw that I actually stopped the episode and rewound to that point and paused to get a closer look at things. That’s when I noticed the character models. I’m betting the person drawing is made to look like one of the lead animators as well.

Actually if these are the eps I saw earlier, they make a trip to Korea and you see one of the animators working on the show, complete with character art around them for the outfits that Greg and Steven are sporting.

Wow, I thought everyone, except non Star Wars fans (7 people world wide), already knew this. It breaks my heart that the ILM people didn’t know. When I was 6 in 1977 I think I might have assumed it was the equator, but by the time I was in my teens and we had a VHS copy, I knew it wasn’t there.


Yep. I always knew it was something “higher” as well (above the trench), from their approach. In addition, I also paid attention to the briefing! If rebel pilots can’t pay attention to briefings, how do they expect to win the war???

Umm..I never thought it was the main equator trench. That one was too big and had docking bays, etc. The one Luke flew through was much smaller/narrower.

Possibly because the process of of costuming is an interesting and overlooked part of film-making?

For the line “And, yes, Benedict did have a good time wearing it.”   Now we’re all envisioning Cumberbatch playfully flitting around the set making swooshing sounds. 

you mean here’s hoping it DOES

Yep. And once we meet Jyn, who was in an extremist militia, then quit and became a criminal, and begin to compare and contrast her with Kassian, who’d been fighting with the “official” Rebellion since he was six years old and still done some shady shit, a picture of the Rebellion started to emerge for me as a clashing

Ok, in all honesty. Who doesn’t want to see an Avengers/Star Wars crossover?