Davina Spafford Stuart

Man, I dunno, the Indians may have come out ahead here: I felt that segment was three times too long.

Seriously, the taking a year off thing has killed any and all momentum the show had from previous seasons.

This bothers me. Capaldi really grew on me and it’s obvious that he is a brilliant actor when he is given good content to work with. Anyone who thinks otherwise didn’t watch Heaven Sent. Merchandise sales slowing is a terrible reason to just fire an actor. There could be all sorts of reasons people aren’t buying

Of all the things wrong with the last two seasons of who, capaldi is not one of them.

This is Hollywood. They have mysterious and often misguided ways.

I thought it was a Fern Gully rip, not that I didn’t enjoy it. What made me like it was the experience. this was the first 3D movie I’d seen where it seemed like the entire theater tried to swat a 3D fly (we saw it in IMAX).

Seriously how about Cameron focuses on making these movies instead of how the technology isn’t adequate. The longer they stretch out to get made and the more he complains about technology the more it sounds like excuses. Honestly, if the Avatar films never come out I can’t say I’d care.

Am I ever going to stop getting Kyle Chandler confused with Chandler Bing?

I think you misunderstood him. He meant “The studio doesn’t want to pay to have such important characters show up for one second”

“because I don’t think what anybody wants to do is have such important characters show up for one second.”

Having grown up in the 80s (born in 1970, solidly Gen-X) I can tell you that we used these terms the same way we’d call someone a dork, or a doofus, or a nerd, or an asshole.

I agree it’s very much this. Those kids lives were my life. Born in 82 and a D&D / MTG player I got called ‘faggot’ dozens of times per day despite not being gay (hint, bullies don’t actually care if you aren’t whatever they’re calling you).

I’m in disbelief at reading this article and alternating between awe and sadness for Noah Schnapp.

I was going to type something similar. In the 80s the term was used as a slur regardless of sexual orientation.

Exactly. It was a reflection of the period in the series. But you know how things work nowadays. The slightest notion or act of same sex interaction automatically needs to be gayed or lesbo’d up to pander to the vocal masses.

Maybe I’m being obtuse but I felt the gay slurs used in Stranger Things were part and parcel with the vernacular of the day (and later times really). They weren’t calling him gay because he was or had demonstrated his “gayness” in some way off-screen; they were calling him gay because many kids are jerks who called

This is IO9 and nobody has posted THIS yet?

Loved that show, loved that character, and had no idea that was Ray Winstone! Cheers for that.

It was a long time ago. The English accent changed between then and now. Just like how in the 24th century the French accent will sound completely different too.

what’s the point?