Davina Spafford Stuart

Some of them work, especially during slo-mo parts...but every attempt I see for someone to replace Immigrant Song for Thor: Ragnorak ends up being worse.  This one is no exception, the song was just kinda built for the movie down to the lyrics.

We might be able to get through the division with more opinions like this...

I agree. Although I don’t like Mr. Orange either, unrelated jabs like this take away the credibility of both this article and articles relating to the presidency.

President Trump has also reportedly been updated on the situation, though everyone knows he’s probably just glued to the TV and fixated on whatever Fox News is currently pumping into his brain.

This scene is gold:

Um, you mean Tommy James and the Shondells, don’t you...?

I like a good deconstructionist tale, too — and I really enjoyed TLJ — but the backlash against that film tells us that this fanbase largely is not built for that kind of thing.

What’s he supposed to say? “Oh my god, no, what a flaming train wreck those movies were, I have no desire to revisit that character or that universe, why do you keep asking me this shit?”

See I think it depends. If Gunn’s comments were made In the present like Rosannes then he should have been fired, espeicially I’d like Rosanne he had a continued history of such comments before. If Roseanne’s comments had been 8 years ago like Gunn’s and she had already apologised years ago then she shouldn’t have

Disney should have just said he was doing mandatory community service directing fun family movies.

You know you never go back in time to kill Hitler, because Stalin will just start the war, with giant bombing blimps, Tesla coils, and mind controlled giant squid. Just like that time Einstein tried it.

Um, I think we already know how Steve survived.

We can never get enough cosplay, so we decided to do videos *and* photos this year. Hope you enjoy them!

THANK YOU for going back to captioned photos! I love looking at all this excellent cosplay, but it’s a lot more fun when I know who the hell characters are supposed to be!

If you don’t educate yourself about bigfoot, you won’t be prepared when they invade.

For both Streaming and DVD sites? I still read reviews for DVDs i am looking to select like sets for TV show’s they don’t offer for streaming.

Held to a modern lens, does Grant Morrison’s take on the character portray mental illness with sensitivity towards people managing mental illness? And will the film also handle mental illness without further perpetuating stereotypes and ignorance? If not, double bleck.

Ah, but there dust gets co-mingled on resurrection and we get: Spider Strange! Harnessing the power of the Spider Totem to be Spider Supreme!

Meanwhile, The Hashtag Show reports Crazy Jane, the Doom Patrol member with dissociative identity disorder will be reimagined as a “sexy,” “Harley Quinn-esque character.”

Despite filming in London, Kevin Feige confirmed Doctor Strange does not appear in the sequel to Spider-Man: Homecoming.