I honestly think it’s all the cigs they smoke. They smoke A LOT.
I was thinking the same damn thing - they both look REAL beat. I am 31, and I can honestly say on my worst day I don’t look nearly as Keith Richards as they do.
And mine isn’t usually even hot garbage, and it especially isn’t the racist and/or sexist hot garbage that sticks around. Just bad takes on stuff. Maybe somebody didn’t take kindly to me admitting that I like Nardole on Doctor Who.
Thank you Fusion for posting something comic-book / geeky related. Since I’ve been banned at Giz for reasons unknown, the world has been sorely missing my hot nerd takes.
I sincerely hope they toss it up on Steam as well. *fingers crossed*
Man, I dunno, the Indians may have come out ahead here: I felt that segment was three times too long.
I just want a station wagon with a manual transmission.
This makes me think that some folks just don’t know when to stop. But then, where do you draw the line as a dev? Draw it one place and people think your a asshole, draw it somewhere else and you have fans like the one guy I saw at a MLP con asking the creators of a fucking -KIDS- show when they were going to openly…
Know what’s not bittersweet? A mid-twenty-something who can’t do shit for themselves...
Ya I mean, its clearly “Face Me Sister!”
“Sadly, the Shuttle Program would turn out to be more of a very expensive anchor that would keep mankind stuck in orbit for decades than a economical space plane that could facilitate exploration beyond earth’s orbit.” Incorrect. You need to research the unclassified Shuttle program accomplishments. No need to even up…
Considering what’s been going on with my stomach lately, I’m pretty sure I’m developing a lactose intolerance, at least with regards to cheese. This hasn’t stopped me from eating it—I love cheese way too much—but I think this is what’s going on.
People are frequently idiots about “you like pizza? you like spaghetti? Then how can you not like tomatoes on your burger?”
I have an allergy to raw tomatoes (among other things). One of my “friends” refused to believe that someone could be allergic to tomatoes at all, much less just raw ones. She decided to test me by serving me a burrito with tomatoes hidden inside it. Thank goodness my allergy isn’t a life threatening variety. Thanks…
What part was she not filling in? There's only, like, four parts, and they're all important enough that I wouldn't want someone else (let alone a dumb machine) filling them in for me.
I like her style. I used to do the same when I babysat. I don't care if parents say bedtime is 9:00. Everyone is in bed by 8 at the latest. I need my cable tv and snacks in peace.
You do realize that they're talking about pretty young kids, right? Kids that could be swayed by a Madagascar character? And that the video just says that King Julien decides that it's midnight in the video, there's no real trick to this.
This is aimed at parents whose children are too young to tell time.