Davina Spafford Stuart

and there was a spiderman a few years ago that was really Andrew Garfield...

agreed.. i always just assumed all of Leia’s references to her mother would have been to her adopted mother... we may not have known that in the OT at first, but it would seem the easy and obvious answer given what we learn in the prequels..

back before I found out about my wheat allergy, I loved eating grape nuts hot.. that was good...

it also had a pretty decent soundtrack... i still have that cassette floating around somewhere.. may even still have my vhs of this film.. lol..

oddly.. i DID see this movie with my dad.. in a very crowded theater... my dad is the sort who would (and DID) reach behind you and make spider crawling motions up your back/arm/whatever was available... oh that was fun... and then we got home and realized the wolf spiders had settled in RIGHT ABOVE THE FREAKING BACK

Imdb list Gwen at 5'9" and RDJ at 5' 8.5"...

i can’t handle that sort of thing for the whole other issue of infertility... kids do NOT get hurt, abandoned or neglected or i get upset...

question.. is it full of gore?? I really hate that most modern horror sticks to gore for everything... i want suspense, I want tension, i do not want gore... the movie Deceived was wonderful at this sort of thing... I mean, alien monsters and death, so some gore is expected.. but i don’t want to be drenched in it...

i know 1-2 things about ep 9.. they have to kill of Leia and had to do a lot of reworking to do it because it was NOT what was originally planned.. beyond that... not a clue and i like it that way.... and i only know that much because of Carrie’s unplanned death...

i changed browsers to come and like this because the other one didn’t have me signed in already... lol...

this ties into one of my husband’s biggest gripes.. space is 3 d... why are ALL the “empire’s” ships _behind_ them.. it would totally make sense to skip a few ships ahead of them.. to the sides of them.. basically encircle them.. so why does no one ever do that??

i tried watching it.. i tried liking it... i really, really did... but... i think i lasted about half way through and then just... couldn’t... i didn’t care about any of the characters really, i didn’t care what happened, it was boring and dull and.. i just couldn’t... i tried... i wanted to like it, i stuck with it

because anyone who knows any real librarians knows we’re all secret bad-asses in our deepest darkest core selves.... heheheee or should that be ook.... ;)

crap I’m 44 and have aged better then they have.... and my 30 yr old step daughter looks _way_ better then them.. it’s just sad... (also, if the show really needs Michelle back.. they should ask their younger sister... lol...)

With Daisy and Jemma... it wouldn’t really matter, because at this point it’s the them NOW from RW with all their emotions and history and memories intact... everyone else basically had things wiped and over writen.. so it would really be hard to be able to “call” their change.. if they’d even had one writen in.. I

he had flatlined in the real world.. she was turning his machine off

especially if it were a musical...

it’s kind of the grittiness of it that reminds me of BSG... and maybe the semi cylons... lol...

my husband and I just started watching this.. and we are really enjoying it.. It’s a bit like a mash up of Battlestar Gallactica, Firefly, Babylon 5 and even a bit of Farscape in it’s tone and looks, but it plays very well.. you’ve got the mismatched crew trying to survive as everything goes wrong, the broken down

sorry to be pendantic, but.. “hear” not “here” in that first paragraph... :)