Davina Spafford Stuart

So he says “If the show has The Evil Midnight Bomber What Bombs at Midnight, the show will be a complete success.”

Different accent each episode. Turns out he’s an LMD whose voice module’s firmware resets on each reboot.

It’s funny when “not as you’d expect” is exactly what I expected.

““We don’t know how many there are, where they’re typically found, anything,” co-author and NOAA molecular geneticist Philip Morin told National Geographic. “

I thought he was ok, but because he sort of is good at being the big doofus, but yes, he didn’t have that limitless boyhood exuberance the Tick needs.

Yeah. Lets face it, The Tick has a certain balls-to-the-wall insanity that it would be hard for even the most devoted live action adaption to try to capture. It was vastly superior as a cartoon.

It’s the whole costume! Why is it... textured? Just... ewwwwww! I get he’s a bug, but I don’t want to ACTUALLY be reminded of a bloodsucking insect when I look at him!

Why does it look worse then the old show? Is it going for a stylistic suck?

Keep an eye on this and make sure to attend opening weekend, along with all your friends. If you want more, we gotta let them know this is a success.

You will be super excited and beyond hopeful or else I shall tell the Nac Mac Feegle where all your booze is.

Man, I love Discworld and Tiffany Aching and the Wee Free Men so much. I hope this is so good. I want to see Tiffany Aching beating the Faerie Queen so much:

Pratchett plus Henson?!?!?! ACH! CRIVENS! And the Tiffany Aching books are some of the best of the Discworld. This is excellent news.

OMG! I'm on episode 4 now... and it's so good! I'm amazed there's very little chatter about how great a series this is.

Yeah, yeah... maybe this will be good, maybe not, but what I do know for sure is that the greatest Stephen King adaptation yet isn’t from a Stephen King novel at all:

It was nice to see that Takei elaborated on his thoughts about Sulu. Not approval exactly, and I know his nuance will be lost on people who don’t actually care what he thinks, but nice none the less.

Comic-con embargo in effect.

Everyone’s busy playing Pokemon GO

The bad guy in the first movie was an overreaching bureaucrat from the EPA making life miserable for small business owners and inadvertently, but solely, bringing about the end of the world. Ghostbusters (1984) is the poster child for government deregulation.

I’ll probably wait until it’s on Netflix and even then will probably take a pass. looks terrible based on the trailers and every review from somebody trust says it’s terrible...and yet it keeps getting solid reviews from the mainstream media...I am honestly baffled.