Davina Spafford Stuart

I don’t see why they don’t give the brutally honest response:
We don’t think that a film starring only Japanese actors can make enough money to recoup costs. Especially in the Chinese market. So if you want movies like this, you have to make compromises. If it becomes a much more popular part of the industry, a cracked

Now that Earth has two moons, I vote that The Moon be officially labeled Luna and the satellite be labeled Lovegood. All in favor?

It’s amazing that they just discovered it and it’s been there for at least 100 years. What else could be hiding close to Earth?

Yeah, it will be Jeff Goldblum in makeup, just like all of his other characters.

I enjoyed League not because it was great cinema but because I thought it was goofy fun.

I’m sure I will be in the minority here, but I actually enjoyed a lot the LoEG. Shockingly, particularly for the addition of Tom Sawyer! I found the final scene of Quatermain dying while “passing the torch” to Sawyer very moving, and a great metaphor - although in no way subtle - for the substituition of the British

Pictured: Plastic Ruler. Rock shown for scale.

It looks like a plastic ruler to me.

At least the Rock will be interesting to watch. He transcends terrible material.

It felt early in their relationship that Finn was trying to force romance but realized it wouldn’t work. I like to think that what was going on in his brain was that he had been with the First Order since basically birth that the first female to show him kindness spawned a kind of puppy love. However, even just the

He didn’t die, according to Pinky Carruther’s unknown facts.

Easily takes my vote for best credits ever made.

Now playing

Better include some version of the closing credits

Seconded. I want this to work, I really do, I’m just afraid they’re going to explain why the watermelon was there.

This gif sums up my feelings on it...not sure if it will be too spectacular in its campy way...or too campy in its spectacular way...Plus, the big question...can we find fans to watch the premise even 30 years later that aren’t established with it?

We can spell it “Orio” to avoid Trademarks.

2007 OR10 = Planet Oreo. Just have to drill down to get to it’s creamy center.

And the droids have to wander through...

Re Ghostbusters