Davina Spafford Stuart

If they ever try to remake one of the Pryor-Wilder movies, I’m gonna get a baseball bat, get in my car, and drive straight to hollywood.

I grew up there. My favorite joke along these lines is that someday, we’ll cut Alaska in half and make Texas the third largest state in the Union.

But Texas can fit inside Alaska. Twice.

I thought he was Egyptian?

I love all of them, except James. Lord, it’s a chore to get through his scenes when I rewatch—and that weird side-plot in season 2 where he wanders into a film noir movie is the absolute worst.

No Major Briggs, no Bob, no Man from the Other Place. Goddamn, I wish that they could’ve done this ten years ago. I still can’t wait, though. I just really hope that it’s funny. My biggest problem with Fire Walk With Me is that it excised nearly all of the humor. Twin Peaks was so funny. I wonder if it’ll still be a

They should have Simon Williams movies showing up in Agents of SHIELD

yea someone out there needs to seriously give him another scifi vehicle of some kind *cough* Joss Whedon *cough*.

C’mon... pre-judge the movie... don’t you want to be a cool kid like me? (Flips up collar and takes a long drag off his cigarette...)

I’m just not a fan of the universe they’ve been building here, which is tragic for this life long Star Trek fan. I know that it has been popular, but something I’ve enjoyed throughout my

I assumed he was talking about Terminator there with the ‘beloved’ thing. Avatar was a great tech demo, and pretty as hell if you didn’t at all think about what was actually happening though.

This is the story of "Go Home, James Cameron. You're Drunk":

Just Like Khan is not in Star Trek...... Khan is her Father!

It’s J.J. Abrams, which means her parents are totally in the movie.

You are far far more gentle in that reply than i would be.

I admit that the following is entirely made-up on my part, but I have an explanation for why Kenobi died: It’s because he realizes he’s in an impossible situation. Once he’s aboard the Death Star, he knows that Vader will immediately know who Luke is. All he has to hear is the word “Skywalker” and Vader will know who

I personally enjoy the theory that Luke really does not understand R2 as well as he thinks he does and the R2 told him multiple times “that is your sister.”

If Obi Wan lives, then there would be no need for Yoda. And he could have mentioned that Luke probably shouldn’t kiss Leia, who Luke’s mother was, and that Anakin was only mostly dead.

Doesn’t look like a Japanese woman all that much either

I think it’s great they hired a white actress to play a fictional Japanese character who is drawn to look like a white woman.

“Oh you’re probably wondering why I have a red arm.” Major fail when you have to have the character tell it instead of just letting it be.