
I am hard of hearing and many on my family and friends are deaf. We all use video confrencing to communicate with each other and to ASL interpreters in our own VISUAL sign language and we don't need that hindered by corporate greed via net nutrality rules. Your arrogance, and ignorance are astounding. YES it is VITAL

The financial interests of incredibly profitable private companies should not be trumped by the interests of the consumer, Especially in something as vital and ubiquitous as the internet.

Thats not an insult. This is an insult.

Hey Vader, How does that corporate assh0le taste?

Corporatism and undue deference to business interests are far more 'vulgar" than any curse word in any vernacular.

How nightmarish!

YOUTUBE PAYOLA! More evidence that Youtubers who make money off gaming videos along with much of Youtube's other content creators are easily lured by the stink of corrupt cash. Machinima has NO integrity nor can be held to any ethical standards. Youtube is officially crap and is only good for funny Vine compilations.

PLEASE PEOPLE! Have your stupid, violent and spoiled rotten kids and yourselves spayed and neutered. It's for the future health of society!

Please get the fuck over yourself. If his worthless possessions were "IRREPLACEABLE"... Then they couldn't be replaced no matter how much welfare this guy gets from the stupid people who donate to this farce.

This isn't charity. This is welfare for people who don't need it.

Yes, He has the money to care for himself. It's not charity in this instance.. IT'S WELFARE for someone who DOESN'T NEED IT!

Thats what he gets for moving to that sh!thole called N.Carolina. That state is horrendous when it comes to civil liberties. They have the most regressive voter suppression laws in the country. It's full of backwoods hicks who are very happy to discriminate against you and harass you if you don't share their

Utterly disgusted with Sony. Their customer service staff are as stupid and inept as chimps. Hell, Chimps could do a better job. I've been in this nightmarish process to get a new PS4. The process started with the attempt to start the process on Monday. I got the coffin and shipped it back. They have my broken one.

The only issue I have is that Channing Tatum's "ring of joy" isn't wrapped around my fun stick.

Yes Channing, I will plow that sweet little hole of yours and Yes, I know you love your BIG Daddy, Baby.

I so want to fuck him. After seeing him present his sweet, little, round, firm ass to Danny McBride in "This is the end", I've been fantasizing about making Channing Tatum hate his asshole.

I so want to fuck him. After seeing him present his sweet, little, round, firm ass to Danny McBride in "This is the end", I've been fantasizing about making Channing Tatum hate his asshole.

WTF is wrong with some people?

The misogyny criticism comes from the south and midwest states desire to control womens bodies in regards to birth control and other medical services that are female centered.

Ghost hunting shows serve the same audience as christian televangelist shows. They entertain and confirm the delusional basis' of gullible idiots.

Does a game about murderous Jews also show how they love to steal land and siphon money?