
The bitch belongs 6 feet under and the office where she works needs to be bombed into oblivion.

I had a sinking feeling when he had been losing weight and missed E3. When I saw his face the last time he was in a Nintendo Direct. I said to myself, he has cancer. I know that look. My dad recently died of Mesothelioma. I know the face of a death from cancer and I saw it on his face.

Hey "Dr." NerdLove,

What character is this and from what anime?

I live in Hawaii on the big island. The nintendo direct occurred and pre orders sold out at 4:30 am that morning. I walked into my Gamestop at opening that day and was notified that pre orders were sold out. I ordered a black "new" 3ds XL, a copy of MM and went home. There was some news that gamestop had canceled pre

Hokkaido prefecture has learned the tried and true excuse for poor education that many American school districts have mastered. DISTRACT from their poor quality education by creating a scapegoat and blaming all their problems on it.

Koreans and Japanese are arguably more racist that Americans. Hollywood doesn't censor itself after the fact to appeal to American racists, So why should it do so for Koreans?

Hey Korea, Get the "F" over yourself. Your racist attitudes regarding the Japanese would be laughable if they weren't so pathetic. If Hawaiians

Gamestop doesn't even open here in Hawaii for another two and a half hours. The Nintendo Direct occurred at 4 am HT. I guess thats the price I pay for living in paradise.

Exactly, These are the lamentations of the worlds SUCKERS!

You know who has no integrity??? WALMART who has 85% of their workforce on welfare and foodstamps. THAT'S A LACK OF INTEGRITY!

You really are full of yourself aren't you? Smug self importance exudes from you.

America needs jobs. Jobs that can't be sent out of the nation. Upgrading America's network infrastructure to allow for ubiquitous cloud computing could be America's new, "new deal". Make it publicly owned with regulations encouraging open access, ISP competition and choice, technological innovation which also


Not surprised. The type of people who play first person shooters often have issues with and engage in violent ideation,fantasy and they often use games to act out the cowardly, racist, terrorist fantasies that they're too pussy, cowardly, hypocritical to pull off in real life.

Damn You Michael Bay! STOP raping our childhoods!

Don't be surprised when you hear nothing but sh*t come out of a celebrity's mouth. Dr. Drew is a celebrity first and a Dr. second.

You're being facetious about calling the cops, Right? Do you think cops really care about this kind of stuff? Unless you're a rich 1%er, Cops don't give two shits about your PS3 being stolen.

The dude needs to get a grip on himself and the chick needs to get the f#*k over herself. Here's to the end of another worthless, useless, nonsense story on Kotaku.

How about he reads the deluded ramblings of murderers and lifers in prison. He knows about those things!

You're just butthurt that your values of coporate welfare and lame excuses for corporate greed isn't being bought by anyone. In essance. You're a bitch.