Well, I was in line for the US launch, I bought a game or 2 every payday. So don't say "all Dreamcast fanboys" didn't support it. What did hurt is that ebgames employees constantly told people not to buy it and wait for "the new Sony" coming out. I'm sorry, but the ps2 launch lineup blew chunks and the Dreamcast…
Telepathy is part his religion? If that's the case, my religion includes the doctrine of kicking the shit out of child abusers.
The Harrises believed the girls were possessed by demons and could communicate telepathically,
That's Joe Biden from "My Vice President is a Baka Perv!?"
I thought California (West Coast) had as large (if not, larger) of a smash community than NYC (East Coast)? Who decided that hosting a tournament in New York during the end of January would be a good idea? We're in the middle of Snowuary and heading into Moresnowuary. Host it in Cali like everyone else (I'm looking at…
Integrity for WalMart... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
You know who has no integrity??? WALMART who has 85% of their workforce on welfare and foodstamps. THAT'S A LACK OF INTEGRITY!
booo freaking hoo. Screw walmart out of some money when they have been screwing every community they ever enter for years. Bet you didn't know they could give their employees bare minimum $14 an hour and only have to increase prices in the store by less than 1%. It would suck to give people livable wages wouldn't it?
Ahh, yessss, this is the delicious flavor I scrolled to the comments to find: people sympathizing with WalMart like it was a small, family business and not a legendary abusive and corrupt monolith that deserves to be cored out and left in the sun.
I'll get on board with you when Wal-Mart stops being a scourge on the human race.
I know, fuck Walmart and their wage slaves, no breaks, shit health care and treatment of their employees. No integrity whatsoever.
Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire. Walmart has all the integrity of a sandcastle at high-tide, so frankly getting one up on them should be applauded
PFFFT. You need to abuse the system wherever possible. People that think they are doing something noble or full of integrity by not haggling or using the system to their benefit are just suckers.
My takeaway? If it only costs $89.2 billion to connect everyone via high speed fiber, do that shit NOW. That is a drop in the bucket compared to the benefits we would get. That's what, like an eighth of the military's budget this year? We can get rid of that much bullshit easy.
I wish someone at NOA would give the same speech to NCL today.
This has been my battle cry, but the more hardcare OR fans scoff and say "Of course people will have these [monstrosities] at home"
Of course, denying gay people the right to get married in a game about relationships and marriage is itself "social commentary."
I bet they have something like theft under a thousand, cops everywhere never bust their asses to find such small potato items. Ask James May (from Bristol), who, when he was stop by the cops for speeding, said "Good! This must mean you've found my tele that was nicked years ago! Well done!" This guy's response to the…