
Everyone, Look at the part of the Ad on the left where they talk about "Trade & Save" and trading in your old 3DS for credit towards a discount. Why is it listed that the regular old 3DS gets 94.99$ worth of trade in value but a 3DS XL gets only $69.99???

When companies begin taking "direct action" against the speech of it's customers, Especially when it's speech against them but not directed towards them, That's when said company will begin to face "direct actions" of customers against it.

She killed her kid because she's a mean, cruel, heartless bitch. Sleeping pills and alcohol the night before is no excuse. Many people deal with addiction to pills and alcohol and DON'T kill their kids over a DS.

I've lived in Mississippi, Alabama for over 3 years and spent a lot of time in Tennessee and Georgia. Thats was enough for me. Yes, There are some good people in the south. The problem is everyone else and their ridiculously misogynistic, racist, homophobic anti-science, pro-religious nonsense attitudes/politics.


Now if Bugs could just get rid of the rest of the south we'd be in better shape.

Mentally ill and intellectually disabled people are 11 times more likely to be the victims of violent crimes. Yet, commit only 4% of total violent crimes.

Why should mentally ill and intellectually disabled people be banned from owning guns? It seems that they should be the ones WITH the guns and everyone else should

The only connection between mass murders in America is firearms.

Baby got back!

No one likes Tony Danza anymore either.

The american immigration system is a complete and utter failure. Mostly because nationalist racists and bigots create the rules that govern it. (Capitol Hill)

Small claims court is your friend.

Paypal needs to be sued into oblivion. They don't deserve a damn dime to their name. I propose we ALL sue Paypal in small claims court for 5,000 dollars each and every one of us. I'd like to see them slimeball their way out of that one!

One positive thing about many of the people who make games is many of them are very "bearish" (reminiscent of a big hairy gay guy) and that gives me a chubby.

Mobile gaming is like an intestinal parasite. Killing the host (both the gaming industry and the gaming public) by sucking cash from quality game experiences on consoles and PC and time from gamers lives that could be used to play higher quality gaming experiences. Online gaming attracts the same kind of people who

The fact this happened says more about the parenting skills of the victim than it says about the depravity of the perpetrators actions.

Poor bitch. I should've guessed. After pushing that behemoth out of her vag. I should've known she'd be dead.

I always wonder when I see this guy, How soon will it be until some his mother has to clean the sheets after this fat fuck has a heart attack and releases his plentifully crap filled bowels all over the place and then a poor mortuary worker has to embalm his bloated carcass?

3 years? less or more? Anyone want to make

Damn it Isabelle! I told you! That contraption is a death trap that's going to get the town sued! AND THERE'S SMALL CHILD CLIMBING ON IT! GO NOW and take care of that while I financially ruin this Llamma couple by forcing them to pay a HUGE penalty for operating a second hand retail business without a permit, licence

I would disagree. It does create a hostile environment because it portrays the stereotype that women are sex objects. These stereotypes ARE harmful attitudes and in a work environment can cause serious disruptions. I suggest to you that you dismiss the harm and environment it causes because you find it aesthetically