
Shame on that white trash big girl for being star struck. Who does she think she is, growing up poor and abused with a shitty life and thinking she can talk to celebrities and DARE TO ASK FOR A PHOTO. Those inferiors really need to learn their places.


You were lucky to have a room. In Yorkshire we just had a hole in the floor we had to have sex in which was also the toilet, kitchen, and bedroom!

Happens to men, too. I knew a guy who used to talk about how he decided to move out when he was 14. The reality — his mother abandoned him and he was kicked around from foster family to foster family.

I think so too. Although,part of it is also that Abnousse Shalmani, one of the signatories, “has previously compared feminism to Stalinism.” So you know, part of it is also that some of these people are assholes.

The French in general seem to have a shitty attitude towards sexual harassment and abuse just in general.

Many of them are also notable assholes to begin with, which, from what I hear, includes Deneuve.

I wonder if part of this is about women who would rather believe they were seduced than assaulted. It’s often easier to act like you were a willing participant than accept the reality. And if you are a woman of a certain age, it had to be damn near impossible to escape predators.

please god tell me this is the end of everybody wanting to be like those mythological French Women that hack journalists write articles about, that never get fat and always dress better than us.

Anyone else noticing the trend that the women who are coming out to cry about how wrong #MeToo and other campaigns are all tend to be of a certain older age and higher social class?

Your side note is my headline. I would admit that series of Twitter posts only to my best friend or my sister.

Who’s got that ‘Sure, Jan’ gif?

I don’t know why, but the way you said “that’s AGGRESSIVE aggressive” reminds me of one of my favorite lines from The Simpsons, when Bart joins a boy band but it turns out the boy band is really using subliminal messaging to get people to join the Navy. When Lisa confronts Bart’s manager, LT Smash (i.e. Lieutenant

“I’m not mad, I’m actually laughing”

Oh, I can’t even tell you how much I hate those stupid buying parties of any kind - tupperware, cosmetics, clothing, baskets whatever. Bleccchhhh!!!

I’m old enough to remember when these baskets were incredibly popular. I had just finished college and started my first real job, and the pressure to go to these stuped basket parties with co-workers was crazy. Or they would have catalog parties, where you just ordered out of the catalog.

I worked in hotels for years...when in Los Angeles, we had a few terrible incidents that we discovered only by violating the sacred “Do Not Disturb” signs after about 36 hrs..including a man who had died of a heart attack who might have been saved and an injured sexual assault victim huddling in her bed. So there are

Being a particularly...morbid type of person, before I got to the guns part, I assumed they had a lot of people die with the do not disturb sign on their doors. My husband and I were discussing the other day how long it would take people to find our bodies if we died in the house. He thought two days, I thought much

I’m looking forward to just walking normally again. Back in December, we discovered that my right pelvis was slightly tilted back and pushing the sacrum and L5 out of alignment. I’ve been hobbling since then and having to have chiro visits three days a week. But every day I’m a little stronger and able to stand a