
You don’t fucking say.

I hate to say this..but I see an X-Files “home” situation here. If the oldest is 29, and the mother is 49, and there is a 2 year old child, I’m betting the 2 year old didn’t come from the 47 year old being pregnant.

Maybe it’s not the right time for this. She died at 46 would you like her to be punished more?

But I don’t feel like, going on the details of this story, this isn’t the same as Franco or any of the other horror stories we’ve heard. To me, this is just a guy who was super horny and was trying every god-awful terrible move in the book to get her to sleep with him. By her own account, she never felt unsafe and he

There WAS an investigation. They determined it was enough to fire him. They explained to their employees that it involved multiple cases over years.

Ok, I’ll say it....he’s a terrible date. A completely horrible, horrible date. He thinks he’s being sexy and hot by the finger thing and asking her where he can fuck her.....he just really thought she would hear that and feel it and be like, “Oh.....well....ok sure I’m really turned on now let’s do it!!” He fucked up

No, I understand where the anger is, absolutely, and I’m not saying it’s not valid. I just, personally, thought after reading this that he is a pushy, horny guy who can’t (or maybe won’t) pick up on when a girl is uncomfortable, and thinks that, even thought she had told him she wasn’t completely into to it, by

Oh man. I’m sort of with you here. I don’t know. I understand she was in a position where she didn’t want to offend him, and as a woman we’ve all been there......but after a certain point, you have to speak up for yourself, especially since, going by the article, she didn’t feel physically threatened. You can’t just

“I used several non-verbal queues”???

That’s the name of his next movie. An old guy travels back in time to rescue his great-great-great-great-great (why not) grandmother from being burned at the stake. It turns out that she is really a witch and she summoned him back in time to kill the governor .

I guess we’ve finally passed into the ‘Woody won’t win me any awards’ phase.

But white people are always seen as young and innocent when they aren’t

He married the daughter of his partner, they “fell in love” while he was her paternal figure, he took naked pictures of her and kept them hidden in a drawer I think and that’s how Mia found out.

which system?

Well, possibly they “may”not have known about Dylan, but he married his stepdaughter , after starting an affair with her when she was 22 and he was 57. Maybe, maybe there were some signs this guy is a predator.

I will not work with anyone who has a problematic history of abusive/racist/ homophobic/ misogynist/ harassing/ inappropriate sexual behaviour

I honestly don’t see the value in tearing people down for working with Allen pre-2014 if they go on to see the error of their ways. His abuse of Dylan Farrow may have been a part of the public record if you had gone to look for it, but a lot of people had either forgotten about it or were too young (or not from the

I see, not only how complicated this matter is

I would be really happy for a few dudes who have worked with Woody Allen or any of the reported abusers to weigh in and add their voices to the “Not working with this guy again” conversation. Their silence is deafening as only women appear to be called to account for it, are taking the professional hit and have to

Not gonna lie, I typically skip out on a separate SPF and buy cushion compacts or tinted moisturizer with it built in.....BUT! Korean brands were always what worked best for me. I have very sensitive skin that would break out like hell with basically every sunscreen. Oily skin is a bitch to keep happy, but the Mild