
I like the Laneiage water system and really anything Etude House does.

I think eye cream is a scam but I’ve been doing a bajillion step Korean system and my skin has genuinely never looked better.

I’ve worked in a few hotels and stayed in many more and I’ve never had a “do not disturb” sign stop a housekeeper from banging on the door at 11am. I always hang the sign but inevitably, at some point during a stay, wake up to a person opening my door while I groggily try and remember where I am.

I guess I’m just mostly confused by the picture. Who is taking it? Like, is he taking it but looking away. Does she have a super human long arm?

I’m so sorry. I lost my 7 year old golden to pcancer that we fought tooth and nail and my 18 year old floof cat to age and cancer. It sucks. If you’re a tattoo person that helped me feel like I was DOING something about my heartbreak.

Talk to your lawyer about supervised visitation for you kid. If what he enjoys is the violation who knows how far that goes. You are fucking mighty to leave, I cannot imagine how you’re feeling but you’re killing it in actions.

I LOVE her!! It’ll get easier. It just takes time.

I had a hysterectomy 2 weeks ago and I feel fine but I’m still at that getting tired phase. Like, i’ll walk around the block and get so exhausted. I’m looking forward to feeling good and not feeling pain for the first time in months.

I knew I couldn’t be the only one!

Pressure cooker or toss a few in a crock pot in the am in case you want one in the evening.

I’m pretty sure that’s some kind of chihuahua in the second pic, not a raw potato. ;)

Oh yeah, I think that any married couple, if they’re honest, can tell you what will get them divorced. I know exactly why my wife will leave me and, although I will do everything in my power to keep her, it’s a fair cop. And on her side, I think she knows I’m never going to be the one to leave.

I have a dream, it is that Melanoma* loses it and smothers our Cheeto in chief in his sleep and his lasting cultural impact is an episode of Snapped inspired by his own murder.

Schrödinger’s cat.

Like one of those lamps that catches on fire because you draped a scarf over it even though your mom told you not to.

Oh no. No, no, no, no, no. Do not talk to HR unless you’re officially asking for an accommodation and even then, be realistic, you’re a temp, illegal though it may be, you will likely not get an offer. HR is there to protect the company, not you. A good department might refer you to an EAP but you don’t qualify

I will never understand the love people have for Oprah. She’s enabled every woo slinging shill that comes along at the expense of actual doctors and treatment. I would roll my eyes and give no fucks except that she gave Jenny McCarthy a platform to spread her lying ass antivaxxer propaganda and that is fucking

Idk, I guess as an on and off Jez reader for almost a decade now I’ve never understood the commenting system. Which I get, I cannot imagine what the type and volume of trolls here is, but I’m now often ungrayed as a comment but not as a commenter. I think I’d be more likely to comment just on an article rather than as

At least Melenoma, for all her flaws, seems to be trying to protect him.

I thought the rumor was that Barron was not neurotypical and that’s being covered up by papa Cheeto as it would besmirch his very good sperm (sad!). Not that all but the very worst people on the left would use that as any kind of political point, unlike the right and a certain first daughter in the 90s, but I would