
So I’m actually pretty sure the Hefner will provision is to protect any heirs with drug problems from having their distributions taken by creditors. It’s a fairly common way to protect trust assets from trust fund kids (TFKs). If said TFK say, kills someone in a drunken car accident and winds up with a multimillion

Keep shopping around for a doctor that will listen. I went through a good half dozen while the problem kept getting worse, I was right at the verge of needing a full abdominal hyst because they made me try every other possible option. I’m just relieved now to be on the other side.

Oh I know! It’s been a long time and a lot of hoops to jump through (I’m early 30s) to finally have a doctor that’s more worried about my quality of life than hypothetical fertility. I’m super excited to be able to see them end of the tunnel. I’m glad yours worked out too!

Thanks! They were worried about having to convert from laparoscopic to abdominal so I’m grateful that the doctors didn’t have to. They’re also using me in a study for a new pain protocol for this kind of surgery so I don’t get the full on happy drugs (which is fine but I’m way more coherent that I’d prefer lol).

That sucks, I’m sorry!

I just had a hysterectomy and am now in the hospital feeling like shit. I’m glad it’s finals done but ugh happy holidays right?

I’ve been reading this site comments and all since 07 and only this year started commenting. In 07 I was absolutely creepily lurking and too insecure to comment.

So I actually read the headline the first time as “Glue Factory” and thought to myself... yeah that sounds right.

Well that and the face that a large segment of the US population thinks addicts deserve to die for not being “moral” enough to not get addicted to drugs.

Can someone with EU citizenship please marry me and my wife so we can get in on this? We’re delightful people I swear.

His best roll by a mile was the gross producer in Tropic of Thunder dancing to Apple Bottom Jeans. Should have won him a goddamn Oscar.

It’s a feature not a bug of his plan. We get attacked, his approvals go up and his bans get support.

Well, if you’re a evangelical with a hard on for the end times, this is probably helping along the apocalypse.

Yup. Now is absolutely not the time and introduces a bad precedent of using impeachment to express dissatisfaction* with a sitting president.

Idk man when the Republicans throw every possible block in your way it becomes a little harder to “just show up” but I saw more young folks out for a city bond bill than I ever have before so it gives me hope

My wife actually spent a year in at 17 and has described it as the first time in her life she felt safe.

Team hotel! Nothing is better than being able to leave with your SO and watch shitty hotel cable and debrief all the mess grandma talked about Aunt Debbie.

I’m a lawyer who is advising my company to buy this coverage. Not because I don’t want to stop harassment (I’d love to), not because we don’t have a robust reporting culture (we do) and certainly not because we don’t fire folks involved, (you’d better believe we do) but because no matter how good your program or

All the fun of prison plus the risk of drowning.